T/TAC Fall 2004
Status Reports
Date: 10/29/04
Drafted use cases
Met with Dr. Behrmann and Jocelyn to ask specific questions about the LIP/LIP ROI process, how the TAs and LEAs interact
Presented written descriptions of our group responsibilities to the group, will compile them and post them online
Finalized Performance Analysis (after feedback by Dr. Behrmann and Dr. Dabbagh) and posted online
E-mailed performance analysis to Dr.Dabbagh
Compiled website revision task list and assigned duties and deadlines
Met together with Jocelyn to work through use case drafting
Drafted use case maps and essential use cases
Developed strategy for finalizing use cases
We will work to finalize our use cases by Tuesday afternoon
We begin to brainstorm on interface content modeling
We will work to develop questions to ask some TAs next week
We will send questions to Dr.Behrmann for approval