T/TAC Fall 2004
Meeting Minutes
Date |
28, 2004 |
Facilitator |
Aanal |
Time |
- 10:45 |
Notetaker |
Jennifer |
Attendees |
Jennifer, Tsehaye, and Meredith
Action Items from Previous Meeting |
- Reviewed
data gathering and research strategies to be used for upcoming
- Restated
group goals for performance plan and day to be posted (timeline).
Current Business |
Topic |
Discussion |
Decision |
- Performance
Analysis Plan presentation
- Website
- Each
member of the team will be responsible for researching
certain questions the group has and sythesizing information
to share with the group.
- Reviewed
content of presentation, divided presentation among group
- Webmaster
contact information on each page, T/TAC title (heading), contact
page content, personal portfolio links, spell check all pages
- Meredith
and Tsehaye will review the LIPs and LIP reports for content and
format (similarities, differences, trends)
- Jennifer
will create a LIP sub-process map, describe the overall LIP
process in terms of users involved in the process, research
federal reporting requirements for LIPs, and set up an interview
time/day with Jocelyn
- Ana
will create a LIP report process map (including users involved
in process) and research federal reporting requirements for LIPs
- Meredith
will compile interview questions for Jocelyn, Dr. Shuangbao
Wang, and Lin Shi (based on questions from the group)
- Divided presentation among group members
- Webmasters (Tsehaye and Aanal) will edit and upload
Items |
Who will be responsible? |
What will be done? |
When will it be completed? |
- Each
member of team
- Jennifer
- Group
- Webmasters (Tsehaye and Aanal)
- Jennifer
- Complete
data gathering based on assignments above
- Set
up appointment with Jocelyn to meet on Thursday for data gathering/interview
- Create E-R diagram of T/TAC LIP database based
on our interview with Jocelyn
- Website modifications listed above
- Set up appointment with Dr. Shuangbao
Wang and Lin Shi for next week
- Tuesday,
October 5th
- Tuesday, Sept. 28th 3pm
- Tuesday, October 5th
- Monday, October 4th
- Tuesday, October 5th
Date & Time
October 5, 2004 |
* needs to prepare agenda
Jennifer |
Location |
I |
Notetaker |
Meredith |
Agenda Items |
- Confirm
that Performance Analysis Plan is finalized.
- Review
data gathered from interview with Jocelyn.
- Status
report from each member about compiled data-- and next steps.
- Review
questions for Dr. Shuangbao
Wang and Lin Shi
- Confirm
that individual portfolios have been linked and uploaded.