Format Manager
- Checks all documents after group revisions have been made for consistent format (font style, size...) and determines if data is displayed in a clear manner (tables, lists, paragraphs, headings...)
- Helps to coordinate who will revise what part of a document
- Responsible for obtaining all revisions from individual group members and revising entire document based on those revisions
- Cleans out old drafts and documents from team folders in P drive
- Periodically checks T/TAC Fall 2004 website for format inconsistencies and notify group
Client Contact
- Communicates via e-mail or telephone with clients, subject matter experts, programmers, and users when necessary to coordinate meetings
- Requests information for group formally from clients, programmer, Immersion facilitators, subject matter experts, or users
- Forwards all correspondence with persons mentioned above to group members
Once a month:
- Prepares agenda and acts as facilitator for weekly team meeting
- Records minutes for weekly team meeting