T/TAC Fall 2004

Agenda for 11/9/04

Prepared by: Meredith

Old Business:

  1. Confirm that revised use case document is posted on website
  2. Confirm that website additions and revisions were made (team roles/resp and refer to checklist for others)

Current Business:

  1. Portfolio feedback
    • Discuss Dr. D's feedback
    • How can we help each other improve?
    • Suggestions/observations to up our evals for the end of semester review
  2. Interface Content modeling
    • Where are we?
    • What do we still need to accomplish?
    • What's our plan of action?
    • What are our internal deadlines?
  3. Flowcharting
    • Shaungbao is coming today!
    • Starting flow charts
    • Plan of action to complete them
    • Internal deadline? "due on Tuesday", but wireframing and content is all next week due on the next Tues.
  4. Registration
    • Begins tomorrow at 7am
    • Register for
      • EDIT 590, EDIT____ with Bannan-Ritland, EDIT_____Authorware class, EDIT_____ (elective of choice)
      • Brenda said she will register us for the immersion class
  5. DB project
    • Any additional thoughts
    • Meeting at 9am on Thurs


