Date: 09/11/03

Time: !0:15 –11:45

Attendees: Justin Briggs, Barbara Finn, Tabitha Parchment, Meredith Sivick, Monisha Tripathy, Jocelyn Tyler, Nantana Wongtan

Absentees: None



  1. Data gathering strategies.
  2. Jocelyn and Monisha will post performance plan on site by Friday.
  3. Pages will use .htm
  4. All pages to be posted to web site will be sent to Meredith
  5. Comments about information posted to web site will be emailed to the author of the page. The author will make whatever changes they feel necessary.
  6. Jocelyn will start a concept mapping diagram 



Action Items: Tabitha will arrange meeting with Lucinda. Nan, Meredith will set up web site architecture. Rest will do research. Report on Monday 9/15.

Next Meeting: Sept.15    10:am