Accomplishments: |
- Completed
one Persona and presented to class on Tuesday.
- Compiled
lists of issues associated with the T/TAC Webshop Template process.
- Met
with Shuangbao on Wednesday to review T/TAC Webshop template issues.
- Discussed
and developed strategy to create Use Cases. Team agreed on Use Cases
and format and made assignments to be completed over the week-end.
- Made
list of Use Cases to be developed.
- Team
members divided list and volunteered to create Use Cases.
- Decided
to make two sets of Use Cases:
- Existing
- Improved
System based on User Requirements
- Five
team members participated in a Presentation Skills workshop.
- Submitted
Personal Portfolios for Review by October 17
- Completed
Peer Reviews and submitted by October 17
- Joan
compiled list of individual contributions for PA document per Brenda's
request. List was circulated for team review, comment and revision.
Plans: |
- Team
members will create their assigned Use Cases and submit to Mona by
Saturday evening.
- Mona
will compile and circulate to team for comment.
- Mona
will present to class on Tuesday.
- Mona
and Shirley will create additional Personas.
- Items
from meeting with Shuangbao
will be documented, discussed and prioritized.
- We
will discuss feedback from Use Cases presentation and revise approach
/ Concerns: |
- Learned
from Shuangbao that many of the features identified for addition to
T/TAC template process had been in earlier versions of the program.
This is good in that they can quickly be implemented. However raised
a red flag that we need to concern ourselves with helping the project
reach closure so that it can be officially rolled out to the field.
Other: |