T/TAC Project Site
Fall 2003 - Group 1


Meeting Summary
Meeting Date: September 15, 2003 Meeting Time: 3:30 - 5:00pm

Next Meeting Facilitator:

  Next Meeting Scribe:
Discussion Topics - New



Shirley called the meeting to order and proposed that we review the proposed agenda and discuss whether we wanted to maintain the order of topics as is. Suggestions were made after a brief review, and the agenda was adjusted by agreement of all attending.


Performance Analysis

We decided to discuss issues surrounding the pendiong Performance Analysis plan first. Joan proposed that we think about selecting a team "project manager/coordinator" for the project. All team members thought this was a good idea, although no explicit action was taken at this meeting. Joan also suggested that we at least begain to chart critical milestones, and volunteered to begin that.

Robert proposed that we identify all potential sources of information. Discussion followed and we determined that we had identified enough to get started and that the sources we knew about might yield even more sources. We then prioritized known sources and assigned people to interview them as follows:

1. Lucinda Zimmerman - Joan, Robert, and Kirk
2. Mary Wilds - Jolin, Leslie, and Shirley
3. Trista Schoonmaker, Deanna Mansoor - Jolin, and Mona
4. Mike Behrman - Robert, and Kirk

The discussion then moved on to what questions to ask. The group decided that each sub-group would generate questions and individual team members could also generate questions and e-mail them to the various subgroups.Mona proposed that we make sure we build in questions that were structured like the ones Allison Rossett poses on pages 61 & 64 in the book, as we all agreed that our segment of the project seems to be a cross between a Rollout and a People Development project.

We all agreed to meet Thursday and report status at 12:30pm at the Johnson Ctr. after the Usability Lab tour. We also decided that one person from each group should handle correspondance regarding questions, but no formal assignments were made.

Topic: Postings on web Site



Topic: Norms

Kirk was going to forward the status report that Mona prepared to Jolin to post on the website. It was suggested that Kirk and Jolin check the links on the site as some members reported that there were some problems, but we ascertained that there were some server problems causing this.

Both Joan and Shirley brought suggestions for additions to the team norms. The team reviewed the suggestions, discussed them and then voted to accept the following to the team norms:

1. We will Respect the goals of each team member and structure our activities in such a way as to enhance all members abilities to reach their goals. We will strive to exemplify John C. Maxwells 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player by being Adapable, Collaborative, Committed, Communicative, Competent, Dependable, Disciplined, Enlarging, Enthusiastic, Intentional, Mission Conscious, Prepared, Relational, Self-Improving, Selfless, Solution Oriented, and Tenacious

2. At the close of every meeting, the team will collectively create the agenda for the next meeting. The facilitator for the upcoming meeting is responsible for e-mailing the agenda to the team members the night before the meeting.


Topic: Next Meeting Agenda

Agenda items identified for next meeting:

1. Status on information gathering
2. Decision on the design on the project web site
3. Final revision of the vision statement
4. Determine team goals

Action Items

Everyone is to bring their personal goals for the program to the next team meeting. Create questions that will be placed into our Performance Analysis Plan and share with the other team members. Contact the information sources that you are assigned to and arrange to do an initial interview with them.


Before the next meeting

contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster
last updated: October 13, 2003