T/TAC Project Site
Fall 2003 - Group 1


Project Site Web Standard Meeting - September 9, 2003
Team Members,
In an unofficial meeting this morning attended by Robert, Kirk, Jolin and myself, the following topics were addressed. Feel free to suggest changes or improvements.

1. Standards for naming files- We agreed that the format for all files will consist of the year, month, date and clear description as shown below:


2. We also decided that the directory structure would be formed to consist of individual drop boxes (or folders with the team member's name) so that documents can be dropped in those individual drop boxes for linking by the Webmaster for that week. Schedules will be posted for the Webmaster of the week and once the document has been dropped in the box, an email should be sent to the current Webmaster informing him/her.

3. Jolin agreed to give a 15 mins session on creating templates to those who are interested.

4. Kirk and Jolin still need to discuss issues on merging the two sites.

5. Robert also suggested using CSS. We came up with some standards:

Font type: - Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif (There is an option in dreamweaver that allows you to chose all these fonts, accommodating various browsers)
Font size for paragraph text: 2
Font size for Side labels:(as used in current norms)
H1: - 1 verdana
H2: - 2 verdana
H3: - 3 verdana

6. I will also be trying to find a way to use a calendar in our project site for deadlines on such things as general documents, project deliverables, etc.Please bring any questions or concerns for any of the above to the next meeting. (Thursday, Sept. 11- 10am-12pm)


contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster
last updated: October 13, 2003