Summary: |
Met with Brenda to identify, discuss and prioritize issues related to
upload process usability. The group came to the conclusion that the "module
metaphor" confused the client and many of the identified usability
issues would be solved by using a single-layer approach, similar to that
in a Power Point presentation.
Per note at bottom of page, Mike & Shuangbao confirmed their approval
of the suggestion to redesign Webshops to eliminate the module level.
Updates : |
Issues to Address, Listed in Order of Priority
System Usability
- System is not forgiving
- Language is confusing
- Language is inconsistent
- No acknowledgement/confirmation an action has been processed
- Book/Chapter == Webshop/Module metaphor confuses client
- Data gets lost when user performs some actions
- Unclear whether you are creating a module or a page
- No cancel option for pages, modules, webshops
- No preview capabilities
- Preview/edit needs improved functionality
- Navigation not built into system (users use browser back/forward
- Where you are during webshop creation process unclear (webshop,
page, module)
- Completion process unclear (webshop, page, module)
- Search capabilities could be improved (search by creator, date of
last update, date of creation)
T/TAC Staff Training
Delivery options for T/TAC Staff Training
identified include::
webshop, job aids, online job aids, tips incorporated into webshop creation
There are three categories of staff training which need to be addressed:
- Technical Pre-Production Workflow
- Gather all materials to transfer
- Perpare Narrative
- Create Audio
- Create Video
- Create/locate Graphics
- Etc. ....................
- (Kirk has started this documentation)
- Effective Onlearning Course Development & Design Techniques
- Incorporate concepts like goals and objectives into required
- Present at start of webshop and again in evaluation
- Webshop Creation Process
Webshop Interactivity
Increase interactivity by increasing options for email conversations
with the webshop creator or other SME by incorporating solicitations
for feedback throughout the webshop rather than just after the completion.
Visual Design
- Elements identified for review include:
- Need to scan page visually to understand what to do
- Category window compete with content window, requiring multiple
page scans
- Graphics for metaphor are amateur
- Heavy grid in metaphor design
- Buttons are not arranged consistently
- Button placement not optimal - place most frequently used buttons
- Directions area needs to be separated from work area
- WYSIWYG editing capabilities would be a good enhancement
Post-Meeting Update
Following the meeting, team received feedback via email from Brenda,
Mike & Shuangbao indicating:
- Approval of concept of single-level webshops (no modules)
- Requested structure to facilitate creation of webinars by stringing
several single-module workshops together in an instructionally sound
There could then be two types of courses:
- Webinars - group of related webshops presented in instructionally
sound sequence
- Blackboard courses - multiple Webshops with added functionality
of asynchronous, synchronous communication and other elements.