Team: | All |
Source: | Shuangbao Wang |
(Planned, Completed) |
10-15-03 |
Summary: |
Team met with Shuangbao to discuss findings from research related to Performance Analysis document. Issues discussed included Mary Wilds recent issue related to being able to find a workshop she was working on as well as lists of concerns compiled through team testing of the website and the usability review. Shuangbao indicated that the last T/TAC group had done extensive usability tests and made many enhancements so it was surprising that there were still usability issues. He also indicated that many of the proposed additions had been in previous versions so the coding is readily available. We went through several types of template creation as a group and Shuangbao provided comments regarding the usability issues.
Questions: |
Miscellaneous background information: We are currently evaluating Phase 6. Revisions will be incorporated into Phase 7. What are "optional categories"? Why can't I find the workshop I uploaded from my MAC? Path to graphics file is lost when I use the "back arrow" on
my browser. Can we set up the system so templates are created locally? There are broken links when you click "why" and "help"
on the graphic entry page. Text + Image Template: End of Create Module Page: Save options-- page level, module level, workshop level: Workshop Creation Feedback Form: Many of the identified usability issues can be addressed with documentation
and changes in the on-screen labeling of activities. We will review this
as part of our analysis. Need "Publish all Modules" option Need to review Feedback Form (viewer version) Add Template for "Text + Audio" Size of video files: Search features: Improve editing features:
Answers: |
contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster |
last updated: October 19, 2003 |