T/TAC Project Site
Fall 2003 - Group 1


Team: Jolin, Mona, Joan
Source:  Estela Landeros, Assistive Technology
(Planned, Completed)
Summary:  Estela is concerned about connectivity noting that not all areas served by T/TAC have broadband available and that teachers don't have time during the day to get on the internet so they are usually going to be accessing the site from their homes. She stated that Spanish, French and Korean translations are needed to serve ESL populations. She thinks that Flash training would be very helpful to the T/TAC staff to help them make their presentations lively. In her opinion, audio and video clips are a given. She participated in a usability study on creating webshops last term and said that the site needed a lot of work in that area. She also asked who is going to train the teachers. The teachers are not as technologically savy as you might expect.

Tell us about the main activities your job encompasses.
The main activity is to provide workshops and training and assistance to teachers in the use of assistive technology. So I have to find out the state of the art, what is available. When teachers call me, I prepare a workshop or go and see a kid and figure out what assistive technology I can provide for that child.

Who typically puts in a request for your services?
We get calls from everybody. Not all have special education training. It could be special education, speech therapist support service, regular teachers.

How important is it for you to see the child?
I can't make a recommendation until I see a child. I need to know what that kid can do before I recommend something to improve what he's already doing.

Is there a standard assistance offered?
No. Particularly for physically disabled. We need to go see the child and see what he's capable of doing. No standard. Sometimes I bring 5-6 items to try them to see what will work. Sometimes it's hardware, sometimes low tech, sometimes software. We usually go in pairs. We discuss and come up with our recommendations.

Do you believe ttac online will help your job?
More than supporting my work, it will be support for the teachers I serve. Some teachers call and say I want to use Boardmaker to make overlays for special keyboards and she's the only one who wants to use that. It would be easy for me to put some basic training on line so she can learn the basics and then call me with questions. For that I could easily prepare several basic trainings, using several of the basic items we use for kids. And sometimes the teacher is an hour and a half from here. I usually access the links I know already where I can get ideas or just the companies that sell the products to get ideas for my trainings. In my case it will be more a sample teachers can use before they call us.

There are certain things teachers have told me they want training on.

Perhaps small videos where someone could be sampling with a kid, using some item so they can get ideas from there so they can use their creativity and take that and put in 30 seconds or 1 minutes video with audio to get an idea.

Lending Library-I also thought it would be useful that we have the lending library but sometimes the name of the product doesn't say much. Maybe we could put a picture of the item especially when it's part of hardware. Teachers can request any item on loan for 3 weeks so they can try it before they buy it to see if it works for the student. Let's say we train them in the use of Boardmaker for example and want to make sure it will work for the kid they have in mind. [They could borrow the product from the lending library for 3 weeks to try it.] That way they will not be spending their money uselessly. Sometimes the company sells you a beautiful program and when you get it, it doesn't work. It's easy for us to let them use it before they decide to purchase. For the hardware it's especially helpful.

Let me show you an example. Say you need some switches and you want to decide We do have a lbrary already. We have just the text, the vendor, brief description what it does and that's it.

www.umesd.k12.or.us has a lending library with photos that's well done.

If we could have a small video showing a kid using the most difficult ones we could give them ideas. That would be great to me. That's a dream. I'm just giving you ideas.

We could even make a short video in how to make the switches. You can make them because they are very expensive. For example a simple one may cost $39 but you could make it for $3 to $5. For rural schools, for parents it's a great help. The switch accesses the computer, play with toys, anything.

Do you have anything for this now?
We have a hand-out we give to teachers. I have a diagram to use to understand how to make connections, but nothing electronic. We would have to prepare it in my area anyway. I think it would reallyl help the teachers the most.

What is your major concern about putting workshop information online?
Connectivity. Connectivity. I am sure some schools in areas not close to the capital might not have broadband. They would have to connect via telephone and that is going to be s-l-o-w! That's my major concern.

Have you tried the webshops?
I'm not concerned. I'm more concerned about putting it up than how to make it creative. I think I could make it creative. I haven't been able to make any of my PowerPoint icons animated. They don't work. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. I know it works. I've seen it but I can't do it here. I am used to putting in voice because I deal with blind people and I need to describe things.

Flash would be great we need to be trained in Flash. I would rather be using Flash than Power Point. Sometimes if teachers want to download a powerpoint, it's so heavy.

Do you think people would like to be trained in Flash?
Yes! We would love it. I have a friend who did for me a brief how does Flash work and the nice things it can do. Flash presentations are much better than just Power Point. I have a friend who transfers my Power Point presentations into Flash. To use Flash it has to be accessible. I always take for granted that everything we do needs to be accessible.

Are there other programs you woud like to learn?

Do you think you'll be able to get your point across effectively online?
I don't know any other solutions.

You know what your instruction is, do you think you'll be able to effectively transfer it to online training?
We'll find out.
We don't put a lot of information in our Power Points. Just the points we need to discuss.

Will this work in an online environment?
If you have audio.

What are your concerns?
As soon as you start, that will be it. I'll call someone to help me if I have problems.

I really need to see it working. The other group did the same thing and I was picked because the girl who was supposed to do it wasn't here. I had only been here for a week. I had never seen it before. It was like what am I supposed to do here? I couldn't get the instructions clear. It was very difficult for me. I got lost. I was supposed to start at the title and I gave a couple main ideas inside the workshop. I got stuck there. Now what's next. I'm supposed to put a picture there.

Do you think it will be useful to have online instructions?
That's a good point. Maybe they need a pop-up when you go with your mouse especially for the less-techi people. I'm sure that some teachers will have the same problem. So if you get stuck and some pop-up menu will tell you where to click and do such and such.

Do you prefer step-by-step directions or the pop-up help?
That depends on everybody's learning styles. Some people will read the instructions first so I don't know how difficult it will be for you to set up. Then you could leave the pop-ups for ongoing in case the person gets lost.

Did you have any online "how to create a webshop" information before you tried making a webshop?
No, I went at it cold. They just got me. They got exactly the point because they got me lost. I had to turn and ask for help. They really got the point. They got the feedback. I haven't been in lately because I've been busy in other things.

What would you like to see with regards to guidance from the people who are working n making these webshops available to you to upload?

I would also like to see printable instructions because some people read better when its printed out than on the screen.

Could you give us an idea of what types of computer programs you currently use?
Microsoft family. The only one I haven't used a lot is Access because I don't need it. Designing programs that I can think of. Programs to enhance pictures like Photoshop and Picasso.

Is the list the same for the other T/TAC people?
No. I'm hyperactive. I keep looking for things. I like to make a collage on the PC. I just practice.

For the typical T/TAC staff, what computer programs are they familiar with? What's the baseline?
The Microsoft family all together they manage pretty well. Photoshop some and plus the ones we use for our kids. The programs to hel reading, writing, math, more educational.

As a general rule, when presented with a new software program, how do they react?
In our group, they're very open. They will accept the challenge.

Are there any drivers within the organization encouraging putting things into T/TAC online?
Yes. I think that's the goal. To put as much information as we can available online.

Would that dramatically change how you do your work?
Probably will take more time. (laugh) In the end, you will save time because I won't have to prepare the same presentations. At one point, maybe it's too much to ask. Try to make some things available in other languages. I translated all my presentations into Spanish.

What are the languages in the population you serve?
Spanish and French. In this case another which is very difficult is Korean. Need to translate for the children and also for the parents. If they parents can't understand they can't help their children.

What about Sign Language?
You're not going to be able to translate into sign language. That's going to be tough. Whan you want parents to cooperate and help their kids they need to be able to understand. Think about it. Get an intern and just let them translate away.

Why is [getting things online] your goal and who told you that's your goal?
Mike (off the record - laughs)

Do you have any concerns?
My concern is connectivity. We're going to have that problem in schools. Teachers can't use their time while they're in school to connect. They may use it at home. We don't have cable eerywhere. It's just not available.

How do you see teachers as viewing T/TAC online?
I would have my doubts. They're not a lot of teachers who are so up on technology as we thought they would be and this is no different in the US. Even though we have technology everywhere. To make it work, I question whether they will be as open as we would think they would be.

Is there anything to help make them more open?
Training. Training. Training. Training.
Definately and who's going to do that? Well there's a funding problem there.

Do you have any questions you would like answered?
How are the teachers going to learn how to use T/TAC online? Are we going into the field to train them? Is the state going to train them? How will they know they have all these resources available?



contact: TTAC-Grp1_Webmaster
last updated: October 13, 2003