Survey for Teachers

Introduce TTAC Online: We are designing a community based membership driven website for TTAC professionals and service providers to support and deliver TTAC created workshop materials, online courses, and current information. It is a place where you can go to receive information, find resources, interact with other teachers, TTAC professionals and service providers.

Interviewee Name:
Interviewee Title & Role:


How did you learn about TTAC? How do you contact TTAC?


Do your fellow teachers know about TTAC?


What TTAC services do you utilize and how often?


Have you experienced difficulties dealing with TTAC?


Are you involved in TTAC? If yes, how are you involved?


What types of workshops have you attended and where?


Do you receive any follow up after the workshop?


Would you like to have follow ups online?


For TTAC consultations, would you rather ask your question online with the ability to have discussion about your needs or via phone?


When having a student with a special need, where do you resort to for assistance and resources?


What do you do when a parent contacts you about additional services for his or her child?


Online/Web Competency

How comfortable are you with technology?


What software do you use?


Have you created a page (website) online?


Have you taken a course online?


What online sites do you use in your personal and professional life?


What do you like most about those websites?


Have you used chat rooms, discussion boards, instant messenger, etc.?


What phrases do you use when searching for online resources?


What communication tools do you often use? i.e., email, online chat and discussion.


TTAC Online (Explain the site)

What are your needs?


How do you prioritize those needs?


What would you like to see on the first page of the website?


How do you see yourself using this website?


Would you use this site as a resource only or would you participate in chats and discussion boards as well?


What would drive/prompt you to discuss something online?


As a teacher, how do you think the TTAC website could help you?


What could the site offer that would keep you coming back on a regular basis?


Do you think the informational materials or the social interactions would attract users more to the site?
