T/TAC Project Group Status Report

February 16, 2001

Topics Covered:

Each of us learned our MBTI personality profile and was told that the mix of indicators was evident in the collaborative nature of the design team. The overall team's MBTI proflie was INTJ. We seemed to have a fairly even mixture of I/E's and S/N's with a 5-2 ratio of T's to F's and J's to P's.

One critical piece of information we need for infrastrucure and content design was to get face to face feedback from the users of the site as to what would the TTAC Online website need to have that would not only attract TTAC people and other users, but also what would keep them coming back to the website as part of an online community. the design team exchanged lists of features, issues and concerns from each interview and will incorporate them where needed.

We discussed the articles on learning/knowledge object as to how they might apply to designing and developing the webshops and training modules. We would to know more about the content in order to see how learning objects could be designed and incorporated in to the website design. One of the puroses of attending the AT conference is to get a feel of the content that is presented and see if we can get a copy of the material presented

The team met with GMU TTAC people: Amie Fulcher. Kay Klein and Carrmen Rio Bailey to continue gathering info for designing the website. The topics and input from the meeting are covered in the meeting minutes.

Next Steps:

  1. Attend and report on the findings from the AT conference held on Feb 16th.
  2. Continue reading about learning objects.
  3. Generate and finalize initial design ideas for TTAC