Submission of Content in Resource Library


Precondition: User has identified a resource they feel would be beneficial to other community members; They have read and agreed to the conditions for submitting the content (disclaimer, rules, regulations, standards, etc.); There is assistance to the user available for attaching the content in the "Help" area of the website.

User Interaction
System Response
User clicks on the "agree" button after reading the conditions  

System displays the form determining if the content is a link, an article, a reference (to a book, journal, etc.), a handout or personally constructed item. The form also requires the following information:
name of the contributor,
description of contribution,
why the contribution is relevant to the site,
an attachment of the contribution

The user fills in the submission form  
User clicks the "submit" button  
  System forwards the form to the person responsible for reviewing potential library resources (Mary)
  System displays a "Thank you note" to the user for submitting the content