1. Realizing a need to model the OLC for Designing Prototype given the audience we were targeting

2. Decided to generate different paths for three audiences: Professionals, Parents and T/TAC Staff

3. Each group would use T/TAC Online for some similar reasons but also for different purposes

4. Flowcharted the paths (see images below) to visually capture the features and subfeatures of all paths

Redesigning a Webshop:

1. We revisited the webshops created for last semester's prototype:
2. In this analysis we recognized some discrepancies: not interactive and static and inconsistent to a webshop deliverable.
3. Knowing these gaps we attempted to further define a webshop and how we would redesign the webshop
4. We met with stakeholders to further define the expectations of webshops.

a. A small-scale to large scale 45-minute webshop that fosters interactivity, hyperlinking, printouts, supplemental materials, and external links.

b. The recreating webshop format from existing content provided by T/TAC is as follows:

Incorporating Webshops Online

1. In the meeting it was also decided that T/TAC interested in submitting content online for publishing webshops would no longer have
to go through one gatekeeper to have material reviewed and approved.

2. Instead, reviewing content would be a collabortive process experienced by any T/TAC staffmember.

3. This idea was proposed b/c: 1) Reduce workload for one person to review and approve 2) Enabled everyone to offer feedback and particpate in process.

4. This collaborative process ties to the OLC construct we discussed.

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