Paula Richardson
Zeena Altalib


Teachers/Service Providers (all actions are under the Ask an Expert area)

Ask an Expert - FAQs



Provides a description stating that "Below are the FAQs by teachers, please refer to them, if you do not see your question, please ask the experts by clicking on Submit Your Question, and TTAC will do the best to answer your question promptly by e-mail."
  Provides a list of FAQs by content area including a "General FAQs" section
Selects a hot link question with in the content area ("Click on the question to get the answer")


  Brings up the anchored answer corresponding to the question
  Provides options to Return to FAQs and Submit Your Question (see next use case)

Selects one of the two options

  Takes the user to their selection
When selecting Return to FAQs option, user repeats the process  

Ask an Expert - Submit Your Question



Provides a description stating that "Below are the FAQs by teachers, please refer to them, if you do not see your question, please ask the experts by submitting your question, and TTAC will do the best to answer your question promptly by e-mail."
Chooses to submit a question by clicking on "Submit Your Question" link because question and answer is not provided in the FAQs section  

Provides a pop up form to submit the question

Fills out the information (name, e-mail address, the question)  
Sends the question  


-Confirms that question has been sent "Your question has been sent. Thank you for submitting a question, TTAC will review the question and respond as soon as possible"
-Provides two button options "Submit Another Question" or "Close This Window"
-Sends the question to the corresponding party

Selects an option  
  Takes the user to their selection