Interview Protocol for Central Office Administrators






General Questions



1.        Could you please explain your job responsibilities?




2.        How are you involved in TTAC?  And for how long have you been involved?





3.         How do you contact them to find information?  Have you ever experienced any difficulties?





4.        What other resources do you use, besides TTAC, to learn how to meet the needs of special needs students?




5.        Do you go to any other websites for information about special needs students?  If so, which ones?





6.        Can you give some examples of how TTAC has assisted individual teachers in dealing with a special needs child?  Has it been mainly mainstream classroom teachers or special education teachers?




7.        Do you prefer face-to-face training or gathering information on the web or both?  Why?





8.        When this website is well developed and has many useful resources and information that you need, would you still want to attend workshops?





9.        If a parent contacted you about wanting additional services for their special needs child, would you help formulated a “team”, or would you simply refer them to the teacher first?






10.     How technically literate are you?  Have you ever:

·         Downloaded information?

·         Uploaded information?

·         Developed a website?

·         Use E-mail regularly?

·         Participated in a discussion forum?   Chat room? 




Description of TTAC On-line Website:


TTAC On-line is a community based, membership-driven, freely accessed website for TTAC professionals and service providers.  Its purpose is to support and deliver TTAC created workshop materials, on-line modules, and current information.  It allows members to share information and resources, as well as interact with, other TTAC professional and service providers.  There will be on-line support in the sharing and delivery of information.


Specific for TTAC Website:  (ask after given an explanation of the site)


11.     How do you see yourselves using this site? 




12.     Do you think you would use the site more for its informational content or for the social interactions? Or both?  Why?




13.     Would you be part of the community, contributing to discussion forums and the resource bank?  If so, how often?




14.     Do you think you would basically refer teachers and school administrators to the site?





15.     What would motivate you to use this site?




16.     What could the site offer that would keep you coming back on a regular basis?





17.     What kinds of topics would be most useful to have on the website?





18.     Do you have any examples of educational websites that you find particularly easy to use?  If so, which ones?




19.     What makes these websites easy to use?  What features do they have that you think should be used in the TTAC website?




20.     Would you want to have a specific area for administrators to communicate on the website?





21.     Would it be helpful for you to have the ability to communicate with other service providers, administrators, and TTAC coordinators on the website?





22.     How could the content be formatted so that it would be most easily used?