Weekly Status Report


Status Report Date:

November 27, 2006


Prepared by:

Rhonda Hopkins



  • Completed and presented Task Analysis and Objectives plan to EDIT 730 class on 11/20
  • Team members participated in a team building activity on 11/21
  • Brookfield Elementary school provided us with grade level grouping of science and math skill focus areas
  • Jason formatted learner survey statistical information we received from Zodie 


Items Discussed:

  • A Program Coordinator’s survey instrument will be put together by Lenore using team member content contributions;  we discussed who should be given this survey – 6 names of local coordinators were suggested
  • The team divided responsibilities for upcoming tasks: Lenore and Jason will work on the Treatment presentation for EDIT 730 on 11/27; Lenore will finish developing the Coordinator survey instrument and contact content SME’s; Jason will further synthesize and format information from learner survey and develop role models; Jami and Rhonda will develop the task analysis



Short Term Action Items:

  • Presentation of Design Treatment outline to be given on Monday, 11/27 to EDIT 730 class
  • Presentation Dry-run of Treatment to be given on Monday, 12/4 to EDIT 730 class


Long Term Action Items:

  • Team members will consider revisions to portfolios as suggested by Kevin
  • Team members will individually evaluate specific gaming sites using rubric designed for this purpose
  •  Draft design treatment
  • Individual white papers due 12/11


Client Action Items:



Next Week's Meeting Dates:

 Tuesday, November 28,  2:00-3:00