Hoop Magic Immersion Team


Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.



Type of Meeting:

Meeting Organizer: Jason Wilhelm

Attendees: Lenore Butcher Kuch, Jami Brandt, Jason Wilhelm, Rhonda Hopkins



Open Issue Agenda Items


Present White Paper Topics (11/16)

We will do a run through on Wednesday for peer feedback; Jason will email Kevin on his intention for meeting with us next Wednesday so we can schedule our presentation run-throughs

Give Learner Questionnaire

Kevin will attempt to schedule with Chantilly Mews program coordinator for next Thursday

Response to JoAnn Marshall-Hobbs

Hold on to the response until after the meeting; topics may have been addressed by Kevin at the meeting;

Lenore will ask Kevin about necessity of message and content to include for response at this point

Response to Shelton Jewette

Kevin will respond to Shelton


New Issue Agenda Items


Administrator Questionnaire

Jason will clarify date due & audience for draft w/Kevin

Present Task Analysis and Objectives in Kevin’s class (11/20)

Jason will email Kevin regarding the structure/content for this presentation


Action Items


Human Subjects Training

Rhonda has completed; rest of team will complete this before Monday

Portfolio Revision/Improvements

Team members will consider revisions to portfolio as suggested by Kevin


Individual Assignments


Games Platforms (11/14)

Team members will use evaluation rubric for Gaming Platform we were each assigned; presentation on Tuesday

Readings for Nada’s class (11/14)

Focus is on Games, Simulation, and Microworlds; team should be prepared to lead discussion

Self-Rubric for Second Online Discussion in Nada’s class

Be sure to email Dr D. completed rubric for self evaluation of discussion efforts by Tuesday

Register for Spring Classes

Kelly has enrolled us in immersion course; we will enroll ourselves in EDIT 790 & EDIT 752