Hoop Magic Team Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 

2:00-3:00 p.m.



Jami Brandt, Lenore Butcher Kuch, Rhonda Hopkins, Jason Wilhelm


Items Discussed:

  • Weekly Status Report (Posted on HM Project Site)
  • Review of Wkly Assignments and Upcoming Due Dates/Mtgs.

o       Rhonda shares After School/Informal Implementation Data Thursday, Oct. 12, at 10 a.m.

o       Lenore emailed G. Dickelman to clarify Project and Paper Proposals

o       Briefing Report 10/23 – Team members are reviewing structure and content of past team’s Briefing Reports

  • Continued discussion about creating a place for individual research to make it accessible to all team members
  • Jason will send an email to JoAnn after Dr. Clark has confirmed age category distribution

·         Jason shared STEM research and led group discussion during class mtg. 

o       Dr. Cho suggested using OECD as a more comprehensive comparison of achievement between 47 different countries

o       Dr. Clark explained how the resources Jason used will assist us in the macro-to-micro approach we are using to determine the scope of our project:

§         Expectation that student achievement would correlate with our nation’s ranking (US is one of the wealthiest/most powerful nations with an abundance of resources)

§         However TIMM’s shows that our students’ achievement levels in science and math disciplines are lower than countries that are poorer and have fewer resources. 

·         How do those countries allocate their limited resources?  How do they run their educational systems/programs?

§         NAEP compares the achievement between states.

·         How do the states/counties with higher achievement set up school programs and determine allocation of resources and funds?

Action Items:

  • Create site for team research