Hoop Magic Team Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2006

Prepared by Lenore

Present at Meeting: All Members

Agenda Points provided by Jami (Meeting Organizer):


§         Open Issue Agenda Items

§         Post Status Report from Week of 9/4 /Review

§         Team Vision/Mission/Goals

§         Portfolios Page

§         New Issue Agenda Items

§         Prepare for Upcoming Client Meeting


New Business:


Hoop magic permissions access a continuing problem.  Jason will has spoken to Ruming who requested an email.  He will email both Ray and Ruming about the ongoing problem.


Weekly status report directions online, similar to the LAO website under Weekly Status Report.  Jason will create the directions/instructions for posting the report for the Scribe of the Month.  Status report templates should be listed on the site…presentation of status report at All Immersion Meeting by Lenore, then all.


Team Vision/Mission/Goals: Work on Tuesday afternoon


Client Meeting scheduling, check with Kevin for an update.  We need to arrange the Team Vision/Mission Goals to be posted by Thurs.


Portfolios are included on the Project Site, Lenore needs to give Jason the url for the Immersion Site.  Jason is doing an excellent job with the WebMaster position.


Preparing for the upcoming client meeting: Letter and Questions for the meeting.  Need to formulate the welcome, presentation for the client.

Action Items:


Hoop Magic FTP problem (email Ray and Ruming) Errors when attempting to load the site files.  “Access Denied” 


Templates on the site (Agenda and Minutes)  May want to save in Word as html (filtered)


Meeting Time Change…question of whether the time meeting on Tues is needed, or maybe compromising with a 9:45 meeting time and a later meeting.  If we plan to share the week’s happenings.  Jami motioned and Jason seconded the motion to move the meeting time from Tues 9:00 a.m., to Monday 3:00 p.m.


Question of what to do about the time that lab is open…late openings, we will wait and see if the issue comes up again.   

Close of Meeting 9-12-06 10:00 a.m.