Project Proposal - Revised

Application of Constructivism:


Cognitive Apprenticeship: Development of Novice Sales People to Elite Professionals


Target Audience:












The learners in this situation are new recruits at an elite training center. Here, novice learners become elite sales professionals. They have at least an Associates or Bachelor's degree in any field. Due to the nature of the job and the requirements to travel throughout the world as notified, new participants are typically between the ages of 20 and 30, and single. Members of the team are recruited based on a general knowledge entrance exam and an interview which seeks to evaluate attitude and character. Prior academic achievement is not necessarily a factor in selection as is a willingness to learn and drive to succeed.

The center is funded by large corporate sponsors, and participants do not incur any room, board , or tuition while they are in the center. Upon completion of the 5 weeks of training, participants will be hired by any of the corporate sponsors or other large corporation seeking a qualified staff (corporate sponsors have first choice of graduates). Due to the popularity of the program, and it's intense nature, team members are carefully selected. Studies have shown that around 24 months, graduates of the program reach the peak of their productivity and learning curve. Those who have shown excellent performed during that 24 month period are invited back to the center to interview to work as instructors or 'coaches' (100% of current coaches are former sales team members).

Skills learned at the center transfer to other content domains as many graduates leave the sales field and seek other professions later.


Content Area:


High- Dollar Sales


Learning Outcomes:




The course is designed to help the team members improve their skill levels in the following areas:

Increase customer base
Abilty to ask powerful questions
Get sales and close deals
Increase communication skills
Build relationships with others
Resolve conflict
Collaborate and work with others
Develop and practice leadership skills
Increas self-regulation abilities
Improve personal study skills


Cognitive Puzzlement:






Currently the team members have had no real, formalized training in the above categories. Particularly, they have not used these skills to persuade others in making financial decisions.

The question asked of everyone the first day and everyday is, "What will you do today to increase your client's bottom line"?

This question is paramount to the success of the novice up to the expert, because in reality they have to find a way to find and secure sales at every stage in the process. So, they need to be able to 'pull' from a variety of skills and personal attributes to meet the needs as they arise. As Human Behavior is ever changing and often unpredictable, they need to be adaptable, flexible, and spontaneous in their efforts.


Learning Activities:













Activities which will assist in the learning goals and the learning problem will be achieved through the following ways. Also, as learners progress through the 5 weeks, the level of independence and collaboration with others will increase with the decrease of teacher involvement.

A cognitive apprenticeship demands that the following instructional methods be used

Explaining: This element is essential in Adult Education, as for motivational reasons, adults need to know "why" they are engaging in an activity and how it is relevant to them. Explaining also provides rationale for outcomes and provides an opportunity for coach and novice/s to discuss how things happen and to entertain other possibilities

Modeling: This is also key in that it allows the novice to observe the expert in action. It provides a clear example of 'what works'.

Coaching/feedback:This element resides on the shoulders of the coach. The coach must know when to offer offer feedback and how much. They need to be able to evaluate the performance of the novice and be able to continually praise, correct, re-direct and create dissonance in the mind of novice throughout the process

Articulation: The novices must be able to make their knowledge known to others. Having to justify and their thoughts and explain their actions allows the novice to evaluate for themselves whether or not they 'get it'.

Exploration:This allows the novice to find alternate solutions to what they are learning, as well as gives them opportunity to "look outside the box".

Reflection:This provides the opportunity for the novice to evaluate their own performance; against themselves, personal goals, established criteria, and expectations of others. Properly done, they can then take ownership of re-adjusting as necessary.

In this cognitive apprenticeship, explain and modeling will be a part of nearly every activity. Also, coaching and reflection opportunities will be given. As the learners progress, the amount and depth of these elements will fluctuate accordingly.

Specific learning activities, followed by the major instructional methods used which will provide that the above criteria be met include:

Models of Practice: This is where the specific skills are practiced by the novices. (explaining, modeling, coaching, articulation, exploration, reflection)

Reflection: Novices will have set times during the day to reflect on their experiences and what they want to know. (articulation, reflection)

Discussion: Novices will be able to engage in discussion with other peers and experts to consider solutions and ideas. (articulation, exploration, reflection)

Personal Study: Novices will have time to look at issues or explore ideas on their own. (exploration, reflection)

Articulation Experience: Novices will be able to express to others what they have learned- it may be in the form of mini-lectures, or leading disucssions, or role-playing with others. (coaching, articulation, reflection)

1 to 1: Novices will have the opportunity to meet with their coach in a personal setting to get individualized attention. (coaching, reflection)

Resource Center: Novices will be able to practice and demonstrate what they have learned in a controlled environment. They will be videotaped while role-playing and receive peer and coach feedback. (modeling, coaching, articulation,)

Telecenter: Novices will be able to practice their skills with 'live' customers. (modeling, coaching, articulation,)

Sales experience: Novices will be able to to meet with real clients in a 'mock' sales meeting ot persuade them and practice their skills. (coaching, articulation)





A variety of assessment opportunities are available throughout the process including:

Interview with mentor
Feedback from mentor
Peer Review/feedback