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Definition of an Effective School Principal

Decision-Making | Communication | Management

Leadership skills within a public school setting are defined as having effective decision-making, communication, conflict management skills, and staff development and management skills. Each of these skills is described below:

Decision-Making Skills Include:

  • Establishing the policies and procedures for acceptable conduct

  • Determining and coordinating appropriate professional development for faculty and staff

  • Developing a school improvement plan to address areas of academic weakness

Communication Skills Include:

  • Demonstrating effective public speaking and listening skills

  • Establishing and maintaining a positive relationship with parents, teachers, and students as well as district staff

  • Demonstrating flexibility and support of staff and faculty
  • Resolving unpredictable challenges within the public school environment (e.g., parent concerns, budget constraints, staff shortages)

  • Proactively responding to the needs of parents, teachers, and students

Management Skills Include:

  • Supervising both first, second, and third year teachers as well as experienced teachers

  • Conducting evaluations of first, second, and third year teachers as well as experienced teachers

  • Monitoring first, second, and third year teachers to assist them in their professional development

  • Creating a safe and comfortable work environment

  • Assuming autonomy and accountability for decisions, while promoting teamwork within a school setting.

  • Motivating and retaining qualified teachers

  • Meeting academic goals defined by both the state and U.S. Department of Education.

  • Coordinating professional development for faculty and staff

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