Michael Wolf-Branigin, an associate professor of Social Work at George Mason University, teaches courses in research and evaluation methods, and social policy. He received a Ph.D. from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, (1999); an M.S.W. from the University of Michigan, with a concentration in Social Program Evaluation (1979); a Graduate Diploma from Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, Sweden, in Economics and Social Welfare (1978); and a B.A. from Western Michigan University, Honors College, Kalamazoo, MI. in Sociology and Psychology (1976). Mike’s substantive areas of specialization include disability studies and addictions, with his current research interests focusing on applications of complex systems and information technology infusion. Before coming to GMU, he worked in governmental consulting and was an administrator with The Salvation Army. He currently consults with various human service organizations. He and his wife, Karen, are avid Red Wing hockey fans and live in Washington, DC.