This Kodak Advertisement's main objective is not try to “trick” the reader into thinking his life will be much better with this camera. Instead, Kodak insists on the ease and usefulness of this self-portrait camera. The advertisement displays a self portrait of a girl on the top corner. The use of this picture, though sexist, introduces the idea that even a young girl can take a picture of herself. During the early 1920’s women were not supposed to be technical, but this advertisement shows otherwise. It fools the reader into thinking that this camera is so easy to use that a non-technical girl can operate it.
Kodak uses the phrase “the photographer (or should we say the sitter?)” to show how this product can be used. This statement made the reader think that he should be taking more pictures of himself. The idea of taking a person taking their own picture seemed so foreign that when introduced would make a big impact to interest many people.
This camera advertised appeals to a certain type of readers. With a majority of people being baby-boomers, what better way to cherish their children then with priceless pictures? This notion sucks in many new parents willing to treasure their children. With parents hoping for endless memories of their children, their impulse kicks in to become more interested about this camera. The name of the camera is also a parent attraction, especially for mothers. With a name like Brownie how can a parents resist?
Though, now in the 21th century Kodak has changed its ad campaign to be more technical, Kodak still uses the children in its ads. In the 3rd ad shown above, kodak uses what appears to be a mother and her daughter playing joyfully. Such a scene would again attract many parents to purchase this camera to photograph their children.
This ad is from a retail website that describes every detail about the camera. It is very technical and wows shoppers. It appeals to professionals as well as novices because of the display. The camera looks exuberant and anyone with an itchy credit card will be contemplating buying it.