With the Jacksonian era in mind, the perfect Sim-Utopia would have a mix of many different cultures. They would be primarily work specific. There is no perfect type of social community, but each one has its advantages and weaknesses.
This Sim-Utopia mixes some of Robert Owen's idea for a socialist utopia. Owen's idea to divide up land to one and a half acre per family is a great catalyst for a booming society. By dividing up land and distribute it between people would allow them to have something to start their lives with. It gives hope to those beginning their lives from scratch.
Charles Fourier's idea to share work duties is ridiculous. Such a plan is terrible because of the chance of error. If one person refuses to do his share, such an action could trigger widespread laziness and lack of concern among the people. And with such evidence that Fourier's phalanxes failed, it was obvious that such an idea was unfeasible. Therefore this idea will not be used.
But the Sim-Utopia will have a very work structured environment. In order for families to survive they must make money through different possible tasks. The most common tasks would be farming, harvesting, and working in the mills. These jobs are available because of the farmland and mills built on the east side of the town. Because these jobs differ only slightly in amount of work done and skills required, compensation will be almost equal to the workers, with only a slight advantage given to experienced workers. If a worker is caught doing his job improperly, he is given two more chances to clean up his demeanor or else he would be out of a job. These rules are strict but also fair. They will allow the town to flourish and only prosper in its glory.
There will also be other jobs such as doctors, maids, and babysitters of many possibilities. And their wages will be controlled by a town council to enforce fairness to other citizens of the town when they are in need. But the doctors will be taken good care of when the bills come around, due to such a need for them.
This town will boom for various reasons. As long as there is farmland and mills to work at, there will also be jobs. Such jobs along with provided shelter will atract many people into the town desperate for money, shelter and food. So essentially, any bum can start his life in this town.
Slavery will be banned from this town. Any form of slavery or indentured servitude would ruin the basis of the Sim-Utopia. If a worker decided to get a slave to do his work for him at the mill or at his home to watch over his children, this is a lost oppurtunity for someone to earn money. Slavery is a greedy concept in terms of business and econmic standpoint. The only person that would benefit from slavery would be a factory or farmland owner. He would have one less person to pay, and he could condense many slaves into one household rather than have just one family.
A church will be built near the center of the town, but belief is voluntary. There will be a strong emphasis on optional religion, because religion has caused much bad blood between people and could cause a potential riot.