I walked down the railroad tracks trying my best to keep my
balance. Walking along tracks can be difficult. The railroad ties rise
differently from the ground. They are also spaced differently. Out of
the corner of my eye I noticed a dark figure standing about one hundred
feet in front of me. I paused and tried my best to make out the figure.
Every time I moved my head the shape would disappear and I would close
my eyes and open them again to try and make out the shape. I took
several steps forward to see if the shape would move at all. No
movement so I kept walking forward.
I kept my
eyes on the shape until I got right next to it. It was a bush. I
continued down the track wondering when I would come across a town or a
house. I stumbled down the train tracks. The hunger was getting to me
which weakened me significantly. I continued to make my way amongst the
shadow creaturees and the trees.
The sky was
beginning to turn gray. Morning was on its way. Maybe when the sun
rises I can get some food. Maybe I can find a town and get out of this
mess. I haev to be at least ten miles from where I was earlier.

A hill is in front of me. I am weary but I know I have to push on. My
legs have become numb and don't want to walk anymore. I continue
however. Step after step. I reach the top of the hill and look down. A
small town with lights and cars. I make my way down from the hill as
fast as I can. Explosive excitement came over me.