You continued to walk down the river. You want to try and fish
the river but have no idea what you would use for string. The fish
jumped from the river as they usually do early in the morning. I
remember waking up early in the morning to go fishing with my dad when
I was a kid. We would arrive around four thirty in the morning and fish
all morning. We would leave with our catches worth of eating and would
grill them for the family. I was in the present though. Without the
fishing equipment and without the energy to fish.
The river had become sandy along its banks instead of rocky so it was
easier to walk. I looked off in the distance and saw the sun rising
over the trees and the mountains. This was exciting because it meant it
would be warming up. I had been trying my best to keep my mind off of
how cold I was. I watched over the horizon and noticed smoke rising
from the trees. This had to mean a house in the distance. I made my way
through the forest. I saw the house and made my way to the front door.
I was zapped of energy and breathed heavy as I reached the front door.
I was, however, more than glad to find this little house in the
mountains. This surely meant food and rest.