Sometimes web site problems are intractable, and require specialist help. If you have tried your best to troubleshoot your web site, and failed, ask for help.
- Call the ITU Support Center (703-993-8870)
The ITU consultants can usually solve your problems during your initial telephone call. Even if you have to wait for a consultant, this helpline often offers the speediest basic troubleshooting help.
- Visit the ITU Support Center, located in Innovation Hall room
233, and explain your problem
- Make an appointment with the TAP Assistant for your learning
- Talk to your faculty member. S/he may well be able to solve the
problem, or direct you to an NCC faculty member who would be happy to
help you
- Visit web*STAR in Johnson Center, Room 311, for assistance. No appointment is necessary. Just remember to bring all the files you need for your web site with you.
Other Information Technology Assistance
1) If you forget or lose your mason password, you can retrieve a new
password at:
You need your George Mason ID number and your PIN number to retrieve a new password. If you have problems with your PIN, visit Computer Account Support ( or call 703-993-8870
2) To download Nvu, Secure Shell (to transfer your files from your computer to your web site) and Norton Anti-Virus (to protect your computer), visit the Information Technology Unit (ITU) Downloads ( page.
3) For general help with technology use on the George Mason University campus and with personal computer use for academic purposes, visit the ITU Support Centerr (