Linda A. Hinnov
Professor of Geology
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
George Mason University
GEOL392-Geology and Earth Science Seminar: Weekly seminars by invited speakers from around the USA. (Every Semester)
GEOL792-Seminar in Earth Systems Science, Geology, and Earth Science: Weekly seminars by invited speakers from around the USA. (Every Semester)
GEOL565-Paleoceanography: Investigation of ocean evolution through geologic time. (Spring Semesters, even years).
GEOL321/GEOL521-Geology of Energy Resources: Survey of energy resources from a geological perspective. (Fall Semesters).
GEOL525-Modeling Earth Signals and Systems: Time series analysis and modeling customized for Earth signals and systems. (Fall Semesters)
GEOL535-Quantitative Stratigraphy: Advanced techniques in stratigraphy and global correlation. (Fall Semesters, odd years)