CLIM 429 Atmospheric Thermodynamics
(Fall 2015 TR 10:30-11:45am Research Hall 202)
Instructor: Long Chiu
Rm 254B, Research Hall,
George Mason University,
Fairfax, VA 22030
Tel 703-993-1984
Office Hours: TBD and by appointment (via email or phone)
Catalogue Description:
Thermodynamics of the atmosphere, properties of dry and moist air, air parcel as a thermodynamic system, atmospheric stability and convection, cloud formation and stability indices
Course Objectives:
Students (1) Develop an understanding of atmospheric thermodynamic processes; (2) Acquire the mathematical skill and physical principles of atmospheric thermodynamics; (3) Apply the mathematical skill and physical principles to solving atmospheric thermodynamics problems.
Prerequisites: CLIM 111 and MATH 114, or permission of instructor Grading: Home work: 30%, Mid-term: 30%, Final: 40%
There are 6 HW problem sets. Each set carries 5% of total grade. HW problems are due the week after they are assigned. The solutions will be briefly discussed in class. No late submission will be accepted, except in case of sickness or pre-approval by the instructor at least one week before due day.
Grading Scale:
The approximate grading scale for the course is listed below.
A+ 96.7%-100% A 93.3%-96.7% A- 90%-93.3%
B+ 86.7%-90% B 83.3%-86.7% B- 80%-83.3%
C+ 76.7%-80% C 73.3%-76.7% C- 70%-73.3%
D 60%-70%
F below 60%
Course Text:
Petty, G. W., 2008: A First Course in Atmospheric Thermodynamics, Sundog Pub., Madison Wisconsin, 334pp
This book may be purchased directly from the publisher Sundog Publishing, LLC or through on-line booksellers.
Course Resources:
Atmospheric sounding
AMS glossary of meteorology
Sundog publishing
Syllabus and Schedule (Fall 2015)
Week |
Topics |
Reading |
HW assignment |
1 (Sep 1, 3) |
Atmospheric composition and structure; tutorial on problem solving |
Section 1.1; 1.2 Appendix B |
2 (Sep 8, 10) |
Temperature |
1.3; 1.4 |
HW#1 |
3 (Sep 15, 17) |
Thermodynamic systems and variables; Math review |
2.1; 2.2; Appendix C |
4 (Sep 22, 24) |
Physical properties of air |
3.1, 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5 |
HW#2 |
5 (Sep 29, Oct 1) |
Moisture in air |
3.4-3.5 |
6 (Oct 6, 8) |
Atmospheric pressure |
4.1; 4.2; 4.3 |
HW#3 |
7 (Oct 15) |
Mid-term Exam |
8 (Oct 20, 22) |
First law of thermodynamics; Heat engines |
5.1-5.5 |
9 (Oct 27, 29) |
Carnot cycle; Skew T diagram |
5.6-5.8 |
10 (Nov 3, 5) |
Second Law; Vapor Saturation |
6.1; 6.2; 7.1 |
HW#4 |
11 (Nov 10, 12) |
Latent heat, Clausius-Clapeyron equation |
7.2; 7.3; 7.4 |
12 (Nov 17, 19) |
Moisture variables, LCL, moist adiabatic lapse rate |
7.5; 7.6; 7.7 |
HW#5 |
13 (Nov 24) |
Equivalent potential and web-bulb temperature |
7.8; 7.9;7.10 |
14 (Dec 1, 3) |
Atmospheric stability |
8.1; 8.2; 8.3 |
HW#6 |
15 (Dec 8-10) |
Atmospheric convection and stability indices |
8.4; 8.5 |
Wed. Dec 15 |
Final Exam 10:30am-1:15pm |
Accommodations for Disabilities
If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) contact the Office for Disability Services (SUB I, Rm. 4205; 993-2474; to determine the accommodations you need; and 2) talk with me to discuss your accommodation needs. In addition to providing your professor with the appropriate form, please take the initiative to discuss accommodation with me at the beginning of the semester and as needed during the term. Because of the range of learning differences, faculty members need to learn from you the most effective ways to assist you.
Academic Integrity
GMU is an Honor Code university; please see the Office for Academic Integrity for a full description of the code and the honor committee process. The principle of academic integrity is taken very seriously and violations are treated gravely. Discussions inside and outside of the classroom with me or your fellow students are encouraged, however, copying HW directly is prohibited. Cheating during exams is a violation of the code and will be reported to the university for appropriate action.
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