At GMU (1999-2002, Visiting Assistant Professor, 2002-Present, Assistant Professor).
I have taught thirty-two courses in my first five years at GMU for which the course evaluations are available now. The student rankings of these courses (Question 6 "The Overall Rating of this Course) are provided as below:
(Lowest 4.55, more than two third are are equal to or > than 4.75, average 4.85)
A Selective Publication List (Articles are posted on my
I. Academic
“Yu Dafu and German Literature,” Fudan University Academic Journal, Humanities Edition, Issue 3, 1984, Shanghai (89-94).
“A Tentative Discuss on the European Influences and Chinese Poetic Tradition in Fengzhi’s Poetry,” Literary Review, Issue 4, 1984, Beijing (74-88). The essay was quoted by Professors Wolfgang Kubin, Marian Galik, Andria Hsia, Goatkate Lantan in their studies on the literary relations between European and Chinese literatures.
“Comparative Literature in China—History and Current Situation,” References for Literary Research, Issue 10, 1985, Beijing (12-18).
“Houzimin piping de diaogu”, a revised edition of the article above in Chinese, Shanghai, Wanxiang, 02/00, pp.112-118.
II. Creative Writings
III. Translations
IV. Citations
( My name appears and my former works cited in the following U.S. magazines and books I happened to have read recently)
The first three presentations listed here were given at international conferences. For the conference in Beijing (workshop and conference of the International Association of Comparative Literature) I served as a panel chair; for the conference in Shangdong I served as the general secretary and interpreter for the international speakers.
“The Problem of Chinese Sonnet,” invited by the Greater Washington D.C. Chinese Literature Research Society, Twinbrooks Library, Rockville, MD, 10/21/00. The talk derives from a chapter of my dissertation which explores the similarity and likely connection between the classical Chinese poetry as represented by Li Po’s Fourteen-line Archaic Verse, the Arabic Poetry and the early Italian sonnet.
“The Reception of Chinese Literature in the West and the Controversy of Nobel Literature Prize this Year,” invited, Chinese Cultural Forum, Library of Congress, 11/16/00. An overview of the reception of Chinese literature in the West and an introduction of the works by Gao Xingjian, the 2000 Nobel Literature Prize recipient.
Title same as above, a talk given at the Northern Virginia Chinese Literature Reading Group, Fairfax City Library, 11/27/00.
Discussant of the Panel: Women, Culture and Intellectuals of the Chinese Archives Conference “Framing History in the Metropolis: Shanghai Archives and Shanghai Studies”, May 5-6, 2001, Saturday and Sunday at National Archives II, College Park, Maryland.
Guest Speaker of COMM 306, “Issues In the Intercultural Communication,” presented the Chinese understanding of “Education.” Invited by Prof. Teresa Wray, 04-02-01.
Guest Speaker of COMM 305, “Foundations of the Intercultural Communication,” presented the Chinese view of the Spy Airplane Incident. Invited by Prof. Teresa Wray, 4-25-01.
“The German School of Modern Chinese Writers,” invited by the Greater Washington D.C. Chinese Literature Research Society (The society decided to invite me to give a talk again this year for it’s Speaker’s Series, based on my good performance last year). Twinbrooks Library, Rockville, MD, 10/13/01.
02-18-02, Johnson Center, lecture on the significance of the lunar calendar and presenting the local dance academy for the Year of the Horse Celebration Event, sponsored by the University Life, CAPEC and Association of Asian American Faculty and Staff at Mason.
Guest Speaker of Anthropology 303, 4-26-02, invited by Professor David Haines who was enrolled in my Chin 101 that semester.
"Love, Romance and Marriage as Represented in the Traditional Chinese Poetry," lecture for the Teaching East Asia Workshop for High School Teachers of Prince William County, MD, 3/15/03, Saturday, UMD.
Guest Speaker of Anthropology 303, 04-21-03, invited by Professor David Haines, representing China.
International Poetry Reading Participant, in celebration of International Education Week, Sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Wed. Nov. 20, 2002.
The Representation of Chinese Culture in the West and the Response of Modern Chinese Authors, Twinbrooks, Library, Rockville, 10/20/03, organized by the Greater Washington D.C. Chinese Literature Research Society.
"Gender Disguise in the Western and Chinese Literatures," invited talk by the Greater Washington D.C. Chinese Literature Research Society since my talk last year was extremely well received.
"Nowhere You Can Find Shangri-la," paper presented at the 2004 Southeast Conference of the Association of Association of Asian Studies.
"Reflection on the Role of the Faculty Director for an American Summer Program in China," proposed for the Princeton Conference on Teaching Chinese in April 2004.
"Adding Chinese to a Traditional Modern Languages Department in America ," proposed for the First Conference of the International Chinese Teachers Association, Beijing, July 2005.
"Teaching Chinese Numbers," proposed for the Conference of American Chinese Teachers Association, Rockville, Maryland, November 2005.
I. Departmental
II. College
Committee of Other Language (COOL). A task force appointed by Dean Daniele Struppa to explore opportunities to offer less-commonly taught Languages.
Literature Festival Preparation Committee, 2001. Suggested interesting books and guest speakers for the festival.
Participated twice each year in the university open house for the prospective student since I came to GMU.
Student Appeals Committee, 2002-2005.
III. University
Working with Dr. Lukacs of the Center for Global Education on establishing summer language program in China. In summer 2002 I lead the group to Xi'an Jiaotong University. Program for 2003 was canceled due to SARS. In summer 2004 I brought students to Zhejiang University at Hangzhou. Summer 2005 we plan to go to Beijing Normal University.
Executive member of CAPEC, serving as curriculum coordinator of the Title VI Grant to develop Asian-related courses on campus.
Marshal for Commencements 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Occasionally serving as consultant for the Office of the Provost on China related matters.
Faculty member of Phi Beta Delta of GMU branch since January 2002, thanks to Dr. Julie Christensen who inducted me in.
Help organize Chinese fashion show and Chinese folkdance performance for GMU International Festival 2002.
IV. Professional Service in Community
Help the Greater D.C. American families adopting baby girls from China with the medical records translation. Volunteer job. I do the coordinating and editing for free, a GMU student does the translation, nominal fee paid to the student.
Work Eligibility