Industrial Strength COMPASS (ISC) is open source code for maximizing or minimizing the expected value of a single performance measure generated by a stochastic simulation with respect to integer ordered decision variables subject to linear-integer constraints. ISC is a particular implementation of the COMPASS framework developed by Hong and Nelson (see the link to papers) for locally convergent, discrete optimization-via-simulation (DOvS) algorithms. ISC was developed by Jie Xu.
The ISC software is distributed "as is," without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Please report problems via the contact link.
The software is copyrighted by L. Jeff Hong, Barry L. Nelson and Jie Xu 2007. The authors grant permission for unlimited personal use of this software without fee. However, no derivative works based on the software may be prepared, including embedding any portion of it in another software product, without permission of the copyright holders.
Last update 09/20/2016