where english & legal studies shake hands

Semester: Fall 2014
PORT 210 - Intermediate Portuguese
Instructor: Tatiana Queenan

PORT 210 is a continuation course from Beginners Portuguese. Students go in depth about Brazilian Portuguese with sentence structure, reading and listening to others. Every class a student is heavily expected to participate is reading and writing. The course is geared toward students who have an interest in Portuguese or traveling to Brazil. There is a Study Abroad program available too. Overall, this class was very time consuming, but enriched my understanding of Portuguese.

Paper Assignment
Composição III: Animais de Estimação e Humanos

There were multiple papers required in the course. The paper chosen was my final composition about family pets in the United States verses in Brazil. The paper required only one source in MLA format. An electronic copy was submitted on Blackboard, and a paper copy was submitted in class.
"Hoje em dia o animal de estimação é como um membro da família mas, algumas pessoas exageram nos cuidados. O que pode ser considerado exagero no zelo com o pet?"
-author in Como devem ser as relações entre as pessoas e seus animais de estimação?

Translation: Today pets are like a member of the family, but some people exaggerate the care for a pet. What is considered exaggerated care for a pet?

Created by Juliann Phan
Last Updated: 05/06/2015 Completion Date: 05/06/2015
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