where english & legal studies shake hands

Semester: Spring 2015
ENGH 318 - Introduction to Cultural Studies
Instructor: Amal Amireh

ENGH 318 is an introductory class to cultural studies. The course asks the question what culture studies includes. The course includes topics ranging from gender, sexuality, race, pop or folk culture and middle eastern studies. The reading ranged from essays and articles from the late 70's to today. Students were highly encouraged to read before each class to contribute to class discussions. The course is designed to help studies be proficient in identifying what culture really is.

Paper Assignment
Response Paper to Janell Hobson

The course was reading intensive, but required written work as well. Students were responsible for producing two Response Papers and two Analytical Papers. Response papers were were written in response to a lecture with the students reaction of the reading and lecture. The analytical papers were more formal and asked students to write about a given topic. One of my Response Papers discusses Janell Hobson's essay The Hottentot Venus and how it related to current female rapper Nicki Minaj. An electronic copy was submitted on Blackboard.
"People are not reducible to the commodities they consume."
-John Storey in Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
Created by Juliann Phan
Last Updated: 05/06/2015 Completion Date: 05/06/2015
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