where english & legal studies shake hands
Semester: Fall 2014
ENGH 305 - Dimensions to Writing and Literature
Instructor: David Kuebrich
ENGH 305 is designed to introduce some of the major components in the English discipline at Mason. Students read novels, short stories, poems and focus on polishing grammar and sentence structure. Students are required to take this course if interested in majoring in English. There is a recitation as well where students are combined with other sections and are lectured by English department professors.
Paper Assignment
Analysis on Pretty Girl
This is a writing intensive course, so there are many papers to produce. Most papers are reflective of novels, short stories or poems read in class. The paper chosen was my final paper on the book by Mohsin Hamid How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, an analysis on one character and emphasis on breaking the rules of narration. The paper required only one source in MLA format. A paper copy was submitted in class.