where english & legal studies shake hands

Semester: Spring 2015
ENGH 302 - Advanced Composition
Instructor: Philip Burnham

ENGH 302 is is a required course for all undergraduates, and is designed to help students with general writing skills. The course is offered in multiple sections, but I enrolled in an online section. All assignments and submission are done through Blackboard. The course explores the fundamental writing skills for a students major. A majority of discussion in the online course urged students to understand the future of their major and the research path they could pave for themselves, and other students.

Paper Assignment
Integrating LGBTQAI Literature

This is a writing intensive course with four papers to produce and weekly discussion board exercises. The papers were mainly research based and student were required to become familiar with primary and secondary sources. Students were asked to write a research paper about something that is changing or needs to change in their major. I chose to write about the integration of LGBTQAI novels in classrooms at the high school level. The paper was submitted for peer review once, and the final was submitted online.
"Addressing and combating homophobia were often central to our readings and discussions of LGBT-inclusive texts, so it was not surprising that this was a significant way that we used talk within LGBT-inclusive discourse."
-Mollie V. Blackburn & Caroline T. Clark in Analyzing Talk in a Long-Term Literature Discussion Group
Created by Juliann Phan
Last Updated: 05/06/2015 Completion Date: 05/06/2015
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