Seated at the grand table of Malduk the pit fiend, our heroes were eager to learn the details of their mission, as well as what reward would await them upon its completion. As Malduk explained to them, they would need to travel to Maladomini, the seventh Hell, and score a strategic victory over one of Malduk's rivals. Asphodel, a she-devil of great power, had a score to settle with him, and he was eager to strike first, before she could muster her forces. He charged the adventurers thus: travel to Maladomini and seek out the fiend Asphodel had entrusted with the guarding of a strategic portal. They would have to convince this devil, Varzul, to open the portal and allow Malduk's forces through, or failing that, bring his demise. In return, Malduk would allow the party to summon him once, with all the usual conditions that wise fiends place upon those who obtain their service. This reward would only be given if they could persuade Varzul without killing him.
Though eager to make the journey into Hell, the method they would need to use to get there gave them pause. Since living souls were prevented from journeying directly into the deeper Hells, they would need to temporarially die. A modified form of the Astral Projection spell would connect their souls with their bodies still in safekeeping, allowing them to use the abilities and equipment that had served them so well in life. As the heroes bravely drank the poisoned wine offered to them, a veil of illusion was lifted from their eyes and they were able to percieve the lifeless bodies of dozens of Malduk's previous recruits, still seated around the table. The last thing they heard before passing away was Malduk's laughter.
Immediately upon their arrival, the adventurers were ambushed by wraiths of the damned. After repulsing the attack, they were finally able to take stock of their surroundings, and observe the barren landscape, buzzing with swarms of flies and filled with countless ruined buildings. With Leech expertly scouting ahead, they were able to avoid the roving patrols of devils and make their way to Varzul's stronghold. When they reached it, they disguised themselves as some of the many damned shades who were milling about the city. They were able to convince one of those souls to show them a secret passage into Varzul's citadel, while Paladan and Halt incapacitated two others who were about to reveal their location. The shade who assisted them, Harris, was eager to help them for one reason: by erasing his name from the Infernal Registry, also located in Varzul's stronghold, the adventurers could free him from his enslavement.
The heroes gained entry to Varzul's fortress using the secret passageway and managed to infiltrate it with the help of a distraction by Lilith. Once safely inside the upper level, they quickly located the Infernal Registry and the magic portal that Malduk needed opened. To ensure Harris' safety, they erased the name of every Harris in the Registry, as well as random other names to cover their tracks. Meanwhile, Lilith and Paladan discovered Varzul's chamber, and were aghast to find him conversing with their dear friend, the talking rat Timmy. Timmy reassured them, saying that he'd gained Varzul's trust and secured them an amiable reception. He had also learned what they would need to do to secure Varzul's loyalty. He required a team of competent mortals to invade a demiplane where his lover, the she-devil Aneya, was imprisoned as a hostage. Although disgruntled at this additional task, the party agreed to the mission and prepared to depart, hoping that their task would soon be over.