Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations and Applications in Statistics
Third Edition
Springer, 2024
This book covers the theory of matrices and linear algebra for applications
in statistics. It also covers the basics of numerical analysis for computations
involving vectors and matrices.
The outline is
Table of Contents
- I. Linear Algebra
- 2. Vectors and Vector Spaces
- 3. Basic Properties of Matrices
- 4. Matrix Transformations and Factorizations
- 5. Solution of Linear Systems
- 6. Evaluation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- 7. Real Analysis and Probability Distributions of Vectors and Matrices
- II. Applications in Statistics and Data Science
- 8. Special Matrices and Operations Useful in Modeling and Data Science
- 9. Selected Applications in Statistics
- III. Numerical Methods and Software
- 10. Numerical Methods
- 11. Numerical Linear Algebra
- 12. Software for Numerical Linear Algebra
- Bibliography
Subject Index
I would appreciate
any feedback from readers -- corrections, suggestions, or general
Errata for second edition.

Errata for first edition.

James Gentle,