Animation of TE1,0 Electromagnetic Waveguide Propagation

Vector Magnetic Field and Vector Electric Field vs. Time

(click to enlarge)

NOTE: The animated GIF is about 5Mb (total), and is 100 frames long. It might take a while to load over a slow connection...

The actual vector electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields are defined everywhere. Drawing two arrows at every point would make the graph very hard to read. For the electric field, I have drawn positive values on the top, and negative values on the bottom. For the magnetic field, only the values sliced through the center are drawn, although in TE1,0 mode propagation this is representitive of any horizontal slice within the waveguide. Both electric field and magnetic field vectors are positioned correctly as shown in the diagram below.

  • Vector electric field (Ey) is drawn in green.
  • Vector magnetic field (Hz and Hx) is drawn in blue.
  • Animation is vs. Time