the web

WebFolio: Creative Work Displayed
by Judith Chamberlain


In the following virtual portfolio, the reader will find a collection of the creative works of Judith Chamberlain, a writer/photographer/fine-artist working with business and educational interests to create objects that please the eye and get the job done.

Publishing has been the major focus of a lengthy career, but recent forays into higher education have flavored all the work with a slightly changed purpose: making learning on the Internet more engaging. A study of learning styles and other highly individualized traits and abilities have enriched this study.

While creating publications---brochures and flyers, posters, and other marketing material--- continues, pursuit of the quest to tame this frightening new tool and make learning available to everyone is engaged.

Please feel welcome to look at all the objects on this site. I will add more as time allows, and your questions are welcome. E-mail me at