I am a Teaching Assistant Professor in the department of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) at George Mason University . Before joining Mason, I worked at the Computational Biology Branch (CBB) at National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a visiting fellow. I completed my PhD and MS from the Department of Computer Science at Mason under the supervision of Prof. Amarda Shehu. I completed my BS from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
My work bridges between biological science and computer science. I apply machine learning, data mining, evolutionary computation and stochastic optimization techniques to solve complex biological problems. I have keen interest working in protein-protein interactions, modeling complex protein structures and human genome sequences.
Apart from research I enjoy teaching a lot. I am teaching two undergradute courses in Fall 2017. I am designing one new course IT Problem Solving (IT 106) using Python for the department. The other course I will be teaching is database Fundamentals (IT 214). Please see my teaching page for the details.
Email: ihashmi at masonlive dot gmu dot edu.
Office: Room #5345 Engineering Building,
Department of Information Sciences and Technology,
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030