We study Humanitarian and Social Informatics via the interdisciplinary science of design, analysis, and evaluation of information systems to augment the information processing capabilities of organizational actors that are concerned with the welfare and governance of society. Our research aim is to create new knowledge in the semantic, structured information representation and processing of unstructured data and designing human-centered computing solutions to the fundamental challenge of information overload in realtime decision support for organizations.
Our lab researches basic human behavior modeling problems to address the information overload challenge for organizations (check projects) by mining online social and Web as well as offline data sources using NLP and machine learning methods guided by domain knowledge bases and socio-psychological theories. We strive to conduct foundational research and evaluate that with real-world applications in the crisis management cycle from mitigation to response and recovery of natural (e.g., hurricanes), societal (e.g., migration, gender stereotyping) and human (e.g., terrorism, cyber warfare) crises.
Acknowledgement: We are grateful to the following agencies for supporting our research and its integration into education: U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), Virginia; Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), U.S. Office of Navel Research (ONR), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 4VA Program and CAHMP Center at Mason, as well as Western Norway Research Institute with Research Council of Norway (RCN).
Datasets for academic and research communities are available here: https://mason.gmu.edu/~hpurohit/informatics-lab/crisis-data.html
Natural Crises:
Cooperative System
Cooperation between Humans and AI systems to Enhance City Services
(Intent Mining and Realtime Social Computing) |
Social media, Web and Internet of Things have revolutionized information generation, transmission, and consumption, especially unstructured data, which has presented an information overload challenge for answering a variety of questions for organizational sensemaking. This area of projects investigate the basic questions of organizational decision support and cooperation using novel behavioral data analytics methods, such as how to quantify actionable information attributes in the data streams to help articulated organizational work and rank serviceable public posts, how to extract information for such articulation tasks, whom to trust and engage in the online community for information, etc.
Collaborators: Fairfax County First Responders, Virginia; Montgomery County CERT Projects partially supported by: NSF award #1657379 (CRII: CHS: Mining Intentions on Social Media to Enhance Situational Awareness of Crisis Response Organizations), NSF award #1815459 (III: Summarizing Heterogeneous Crowdsourced & Web Streams Using Uncertain Concept Graphs), NSF award # 2029719 (RAPID: Human-AI Teaming for Big Data Analytics to Enhance Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic), NSF award # 2043522 (SCC-CIVIC-PG Track B: Assessing the Feasibility of Systematizing Human-AI Teaming to Improve Community Resilience), and WNRI & Research Council of Norway award #261685 (INTPART: Transnational Partnership for Excellent Research and Education in Big Data and Emergency Management) Tools: Selected Publications:
Societal Crises:
Attitude & Belief Mining
User attitudes & Engagement
(Semantic Computing & Machine Learning) |
Do you know that gender-based violence is a public health crisis and what are its impact on the policies and healthcare system? Do you wonder why people migrate from certain regions and what are the implications of migration? The objectives of these projects include reducing information overload for responding (non-)governmental organizations in gleaning insights about public awareness and attitudes towards societal crises prevalent in the modern age (e.g., views on violence against women and narratives about refugee migration), in order to inform the organizations in their evaluation of awareness campaigns, intervention support, and policy design practices.
Projects partially supported by: GMU Startup Funds, NSF award #1707837 (EAGER: Social Media Participation as Indicator of Actors, Awareness, Attitudes, and Activities Related to STEM Education), Research Council of Norway award #331736 (SOCYTI: Violence-inducing Behaviour Prevention in Social-Cyber Space of Local Communities), 4VA Mason award (Assessing Tobacco Prevention Policies Using a Hybrid Approach of Nontraditional Social Media and Traditional Simulation Modeling), Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) award (Holistic Human Identity Mapping). Selected Publications:
Human Crises:
Cyber Defense & Information Overload
Comprehension & Cognitive Load
(Semantic Computing) |
Can an organization mitigate the crisis of losing intellectual property in response to human-created crisis of cyber attacks? Can organizations proactively detect disinformation narratives? Are there biases in the scam detection tools for vulnerable population such as individuals with disabilities? One of these projects investigates how we can create information overload for hackers to prevent them from stealing information by better understanding of information comprehension and cognitive load, in order to improve cyber defense tactices for human crisis management. Other projects are investigating novel methods to design tools and techniques for detecting disinformation narratives and propaganda, as well as scams on social media.
Projects partially supported by: Office of Naval Research award #N00014-16-1-2896 (Believable Fake Documents), NSF award #2210107 (EAGER: DCL: SaTC: EIC: Inclusive-ScamBuster: Inclusive Scam Detection Methods for Social Media to Design Assistive Tools for Protecting Individuals with Developmental Disabilities), Commonwealth Cyber Initiative awards (Designing Tools for Proactive Counter-disinformation Communication to Empower Local Government Agencies) and (Characterizing Biases in Automated Scam Detection Tools for Social Media to Aid Individuals with Developmental Disabilities), Research Council of Norway award #331736 (SOCYTI: Violence-inducing Behaviour Prevention in Social-Cyber Space of Local Communities) Selected Publications:
- Prof. Hemant Purohit
Current Students:
- Yasas Senarath (PhD student)
- Anuridhi Gupta (PhD student)
- Hossein Salemi (PhD student)
- Ramya Sreekanta Nayaka (PhD student)
- Rehab Abdullah A Alsudais (PhD student)
- Dr. Prakruthi Karuna (PhD, 2019; currently: Research Scientist, Perspecta)
- Dr. Habib Karbasian (PhD, 2020, co-advised; currently: Data and Applied Scientist, Microsoft)
- Dr. Jitin Krishnan (PhD, 2021, co-advised; currently: Research Scientist, Facebook/Meta)
- Dr. Rahul Pandey (PhD, 2023; currently: Applied Scientist, Amazon)
- Dr. Falah Amro (Post-doc, 2023; currently:Director of Partnerships, Alegra Learning)
- Mohammad Rana (BS, 2018; currently: Senior Software Engineer, Amazon)
- Yogen Chaudhari (MS, 2018; currently: Senior ML Engineer, PowerSchool)
- Sharan Sai Banola (MS, 2018; currently: Senior Data Analyst, Capital One)
- Voravan Charnsawat (MS, 2018; currently: SLS Engineer, Qualitest)
- Ekaagar Singh Hara (MS, 2019; currently: Data Scientist, AARP)
- Sara Villanueva (MS, 2019)
- Gaurav Bahl (MS, 2020; currently: Privacy & Security Engineer, Facebook/Meta)
- Ganesh Nalluru (MS, 2020; currently: Senior Data Scientist, DevelapMe)
- Rishita Guduru (MS, 2020; currently: Software Engineer, GridPoint)
- Prashanti Maktala (MS, 2021; currently: Senior Consultant, Ford)
- Cooper Jessup (MS, 2021; currently: IT Project Manager, Federal Reserves)
- Asmaa M. Alqurashi (MS, 2022)
- Ghadah M. Alshabana (MS, 2022)
- Varun Velagapuri (MS, 2022; currently: Software Developer, Amazon Web Services)
- Tarin Sultana Sharika (MS, 2024)