Selected collaborations shared on Dec 2015 Patient Newsletter by
We Contribute
The Grant Lab assists with INOVA's Blood and Tissue Biobanking program which started
more than 10 years ago. INOVA began collecting lung tissue from lungs that were removed at the time of transplantation. This project has continued to grow, so that now INOVA also collects lung tissue from patients who have diagnostic lung biopsies as well. From these tissues samples, the Grant Lab has isolated primary cell lines and decellularized lung scaffolds.
We thank those of you who have contributed. Your support and donations allow us to collaborate with other researchers.
To highlight a few of the institutions we have shared our resources with:
1) Investigators at Stoneybrook University (NY)
2) Dr. Patricia Sime at the University of Rochester
3) Dr. Stew Levine at the NIH for IPF research
If you would like to collaborate with us, send an email to ggrant1@gmu.edu.