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Eric Gary Anderson

Curriculum Vita



1994      Ph.D. in Literatures in English, Rutgers University

Dissertation:  Southwestern Dispositions:  American Literature on the Borderlands, 1880-1980.

1983      M.A. in English, Rutgers University

1981      A.B. (High Honors) in English, Rutgers College



American Indian Literature and the Southwest: Contexts and Dispositions.  Austin:  The University of Texas Press, February 1999.


"The Presence of Early Native Studies: A Response to Stephanie Fitzgerald and Hilary E. Wyss." American Literary History 22: 2 (Summer 2010). 280-288.

"Black Atlanta:  An Ecosocial Approach to Narratives of the Atlanta Child Murders." PMLA 122: 1 (January 2007).  Special Topic:  Cities.  Coordinated by Patricia Yaeger.  194-209.

"South to a Red Place:  Contemporary American Indian Literature and the Problem of Native/Southern Studies." Mississippi Quarterly 60: 1 (Winter 2006-07).  Special issue on American Indian Literatures and Cultures in the South.  5-32.

"On Native Ground: Indigenous Presences and Countercolonial Strategies in Southern Narratives of Captivity, Removal, and Repossession." Southern Spaces.

"Indian Agency:  Life of Black Hawk and the Countercolonial Provocations of Early Native American Writing."  ESQ:  A Journal of the American Renaissance 52:  1-2 (2006).  Special Issue on "Native Americans:  Writing and Written."  Edited by Carolyn Sorisio.  75-104.

"Rethinking Indigenous Southern Communities."  In "The U.S. South in Global Contexts:  A Collection of Position Statements."  American Literature 78: 4 (December 2006).  Special Issue on "Global Contexts, Local Literature:  The New Southern Studies."  Edited by Kathryn McKee and Annette Trefzer.  730-732.

"Environed Blood:  Ecology and Violence in The Sound and the Fury and Sanctuary."  In Faulkner and the Ecology of the South:  Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 2003. (Jackson:  UP of Mississippi, 2005).  Joseph R. Urgo and Ann J. Abadie, editors.  30-46.

"The Real Live, Invisible Languages of A Different Drummer:  A Response to Trudier Harris-Lopez."  South Central Review 22:1 (Spring 2005) special issue on "'Southern Literature'/Southern Cultures," edited by David McWhirter.  48-53.

"Captivity and Freedom:  Ann Eliza Bleecker, Harriet Prescott Spofford, and Washington Irving's 'Rip Van Winkle.'"  In A Companion to American Fiction, 1780-1865. (London:  Blackwell, 2004).  Shirley Samuels, editor.  342-352.

"Situating American Indian Poetry:  Place, Community, and the Question of Genre."  In Speak to Me Words:  Essays on Contemporary American Indian Poetry (U of Arizona P, 2003).  Janice Gould and Dean Rader, editors.  34-55.

"Carter in Space."  Special Issue in Honor of Carter Revard.  Studies in American Indian Literatures 15:1 (Spring 2003):  26-31.

"Ecocriticism, Native American Literature, and the South:  The Inaccessible Worlds of Linda Hogan's Power."  In South to a New Place:  Region, Literature, Culture (Louisiana State UP, 2002).  Suzanne Jones and Sharon Monteith, editors.  165-183.

"The Literature of Oklahoma."  In The Companion to Southern Literature:  Themes, Genres, Places, People, Movements, and Motifs (Louisiana State UP, 2002).  Joseph M. Flora and Lucinda MacKethan, editors.  602-605.

"States of Being in the Dark:  Removal and Survival in Linda Hogan's Mean Spirit."  Great Plains Quarterly 20:1 (Winter 2000):  55-67.

"Driving the Red Road:  Powwow Highway."  In Hollywood's Indian:  The Portrayal of  Native Americans in Film (UP of Kentucky, 1998).   John O'Connor and Peter  Rollins, editors.  137-152.

"Manifest Dentistry, or Teaching Oral Narrative in McTeague and Old Man Coyote."  In Tricksterism in Turn-of-the-Century American Literature:  A Multicultural  Perspective  (UP of New England, 1994).  Elizabeth Ammons and Annette White- Parks, editors.  61-78.


"Unsettling Frontiers."  Chapter 2 of American Indian Literature and the Southwest, reprinted in Cultural Conversations:  The Presence of the Past (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001).  Stephen Dilks, Regina Hansen, and Matthew Parfitt, editors.


Review of Craig Womack et al., eds. Reasoning Together: The Native Critics Collective. (U of Oklahoma P, 2008). Western American Literature 44:4 (Winter 2010).

Review of Donald E. Hardy, Narrating Knowledge in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction (U of South Carolina P, 2003).  Mississippi Quarterly 59:4 (Fall 2006): 665-668.

Review of Maureen Konkle, Writing Indian Nations:  Native Intellectuals and the Politics of Historiography, 1827-1863.  (U of North Carolina P, 2004).  American Literature 77:1 (March 2005).  181-183.

Review of Adam Gussow, Seems Like Murder Here:  Southern Violence and the BluesTradition (U of Chicago P, 2002).  South Central Review 22:1 (Spring 2005) special issue  on "'Southern Literature'/Southern Cultures."  127-128.

Review of Robert Dale Parker, The Invention of Native American Literature (Cornell UP, 2003).  American Indian Culture and Research Journal 27:4 (2003):  161-164.

Review of Audrey Goodman, Translating Southwestern Landscapes:  The Making of an Anglo Literary Region (U of Arizona P, 2002).  South Atlantic Review 68:2 (Spring 2003):  111-114.

Review of Arnold Krupat, The Turn to the Native (U of Nebraska P) and Kathleen  Donovan, Feminist Readings of Native American Literature (U of Arizona P).  American Indian Quarterly 23:2 (1999):  96-99.

Review of The Secret Life of John C. Van Dyke:  Selected Letters (U of Nevada P).  ISLE:  Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 5:2 (Summer 1998):  167-168.  

Review of The Oxford History of World Cinema (Oxford UP).  National Forum:  Phi  Kappa Phi Journal 77:4 (Fall 1997):  50-51.

Review of Mark Wigley, The Architecture of Deconstruction:  Derrida's Haunt (MIT Press, 1993).  Sites 26 (1995):  136-140.

Review of Ray A. Williamson and Claire R. Farrer, eds., Earth and Sky:  Visions of the Cosmos in Native American Folklore. (U of New Mexico P, 1992).  American Indian Culture and Research Journal 17:3 (1993):

Forthcoming Publications

"Demon Theory for Beginners, or, The Intertextual Badlands of Stephen Graham Jones." For a collection of essays focusing on broadening the canon of American Indian literature.

Work in Progress

On Native Southern Ground. Book in progress, under advance contract with the University of Georgia Press for its New Southern Studies series.


2005-      Associate Professor of English, George Mason University

2004-05   Term Assistant Professor of English, George Mason University

2000-05   Associate Professor of English, Oklahoma State University (on leave, 2004-05)

1995-00   Assistant Professor of English, Oklahoma State University

1994-95   Visiting Lecturer, Rutgers University, Department of History

1994      Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Department of English

1982-93   Teaching Assistant & Lecturer, Rutgers University, Department of English


George Mason University

201   Reading and Writing About Texts

202   Texts and Contexts:  Native American Literature

325   Dimensions of Writing and Literature

363   Special Topics in Literature:  Native American Literature

414 Dirt and Desire in Southern Fiction (English Honors seminar)

513   Advanced Special Topics in English:  Native American Literature

610 Proseminar in the Teaching of Literature

660 Twentieth-Century American: Southern Literature

701 Literary Scholarship

Oklahoma State University

6250   Graduate Seminar:  Dirt and Desire in 20th-Century Southern Fiction

6250   Graduate Seminar:  Race, Region, and Gender in Native American Literature

5680   Graduate Seminar:  Contemporary Native American Literature

5660   Graduate Seminar:  American Literature:  Civil War to Modernism

5660   Graduate Seminar:  19th-Century American Literature (Realism, Naturalism, and    Regionalism)

5660   Graduate Seminar:  19th-Century American Literature (Wilderness, American/Indian Literatures, and Ecocriticism)

4933   Regionalism:  Women and Region

4863   American Novel Post 1900:  Dirt and Desire in 20th-Century Southern Fiction

4863   American Novel Post 1900

4853   American Novel to 1900

3723   American Literature Post 1900

3203   Advanced Composition and Rhetoric

3183   Native American Literature

2883   American Literature II

2773   American Literature I

2413   Introduction to Literature


2002: Newberry Library/South Central Modern Language Association Fellowship ($2000)

1998: Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities Research Grant ($500 plus $2500 matching funds).

1997-98: Dean's Incentive Grant ($3000) for Arts and Sciences junior faculty, OSU.

1996-97: Dean's Incentive Grant ($3000) for Arts and Sciences junior faculty, OSU.

1996: Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities Research Grant ($500 plus $2500 matching funds).



Affiliated Facultyfor the Folklore Concentration in the Masters of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS), George Mason University


Adjunct Committee, GMU Department of English


Text and Community Committee, GMU Department of English


Elected to Executive Committee, South Central Modern Language Association (American Literature representative)


Elected to Delegate Assembly, MLA (Regional Delegate, Central & Rocky Mountain Area)


Elected to Executive Committee, MLA Division on American Indian Literatures (Secretary, 2004 and Chair, 2005)


Elected member, Personnel Committee, OSU Department of English


Appointed to Ad Hoc Curriculum Revision Committee, OSU English


Lecture, "Environed Blood:  Ecology and Violence in The Sound and the Fury and Sanctuary."  OSU English Department Colloquium


Named to Editorial Board, Journal x:  A Journal in Culture & Criticism (University of Mississippi Department of English)


Affiliated Faculty, OSU Women's Studies Program


Elected to Graduate Studies Committee, OSU Department of English


English Department representative, OSU Arts & Sciences Faculty Council

Chair of ASFC Honors Committee, 2001-2002


Search Committee member, Visiting Assistant Professor search


Book Review Editor, Studies in American Indian Literatures


Planning Committee, "Anticipating the Dawn:  A Gathering of Scholars."  (Five Native American women writers and artists visiting OSU in spring 2000.)


Elected Chair, Curriculum Committee, OSU Department of English


Chair, Placement Committee, OSU Department of English


Elected Member, Curriculum Committee, OSU Department of English


Lecture on Thunderheart, English 2413:  Introduction to Literature film series


Organizer, Carter Revard poetry reading, 4 March


Associate Fellow, Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska—Lincoln


Member, Arts and Sciences Scholarhip Committee, OSU


Member, Search Committee, Compositon/Rhetoric search


Elected member, Personnel Committee, OSU Department of English


Mentor, Graduate Teaching Assistant Mentoring Program, OSU


Coordinator, Introduction to Literature, Oklahoma State University


Lecture on Rebel Without a Cause, English 2413:  Introduction to Literature film series


Manuscript reviewer for Studies in American Indian Literatures, Western American Literature, Journal x, PMLA


Member, Arts & Sciences General Education and Curriculum Committee, OSU



"On Native Southern Ground."  International Scholarly Meeting on "What's Next for Native American and Indigenous Studies?" (University of Oklahoma, May 2007).

"South to a Red Place:  Contemporary American Indian Writing and the Problem of Native/Southern Studies."  Native American Literature Symposium (Soaring Eagle Casino Resort, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, March 2007).

"On Native Ground."  Society for the Study of Southern Literatures panel on "The South Before 'The South.'"  Modern Language Association (Philadelphia, December 2006).

"On Native Southern Ground:  Captivity Narratives, Indian Removal, and the Repossession of the Native American Southeast."  MELUS (Boca Raton, April 2006).

"Where the South Has No Name:  Contemporary American Indian Writing and the Death of Regionalism."  Society for the Study of Southern Literature biennial conference (Birmingham, March 2006).

"The Red Atlantic:  National Cross-Dressing and Native Cultural Authority in the Florida Captivity Narrative of Jonathan Dickinson."  Society for the Study of Southern Literatures panel on "The Borders of Southern Literature."  Modern Language Association (Philadelphia, December 2004).

"'Make Room for the Spanjards':  Nationalist Cross-Dressing and Native Cultural Authority in the Florida Captivity Narrative of Jonathan Dickinson."  Conference on "Creating Identity and Empire in the Atlantic World, 1492-1888."  (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, September 2004).

"Everything's Gone Green:  As I Lay Dying and the Ecology of the South."  Society for the Study of Southern Literature biennial conference (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 2004).

Invited Participant, Roundtable on "Rethinking Southern Communities."  Symposium on "The U. S. South in Global Contexts" (University of Mississippi, February 2004).

Plenary Address, "Environed Blood:  Ecology and Violence in The Sound and the Fury and Sanctuary." 30th Annual Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha conference, "Faulkner and the Ecology of the South" (University of Mississippi, July 2003).

Invited Participant, Roundtable on "The Companion to Southern Literature:  Multi-texts and Monoliths."  Southern American Studies Association biennial conference (Florida State University, February 2003).

"Black Atlanta:  Criminal Regionalism in Toni Cade Bambara's Account of the Atlanta Child Murders."  Southern American Studies Association biennial conference (Florida State University, February 2003).

Invited Respondent to Trudier Harris-Lopez, "William Melvin Kelley's Real Live, Invisible South."  "'Southern Literature'/Southern Cultures:  Historicizing Southern Literary Studies" symposium.  (Texas A&M University, November 2002).

"Black Atlanta:  Forensic Ecology, Multiethnic Communities, and Toni Cade Bambara's Account of the Atlanta Child Murders."  Society for the Study of Southern Literature biennial conference (Lafayette, LA, March 2002).

"Flannery O'Connor in the Company of Multiethnic Women Writers."  South Central Modern Language Association (Tulsa, November 2001)

Invited Panelist, Saturday Morning Roundtable, "Technologies of Cultural Production and Transmission."  South Central Modern Language Association (Tulsa, November 2001)

"The Blair Wilderness Project:  Teaching Early American Fiction and Early Native American Nonfiction Ecocritically."  Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (Northern Arizona University, June 2001)

"The Presence of Early Native American Literature."  MELUS (Knoxville, March 2001).

"Afro-Native Migrations and the Cultural Geographies of Paradise and Almanac of the Dead."  MELUS (Tulane University, March 2000).

"Ecocriticism, Native American Literature, and the South:  The Inaccessible Worlds of Linda Hogan's Power.  Society for the Study of Southern Literature panel on "Nature Writing and the South."  Modern Language Association (Chicago, December 1999).

"Haunted by Arapaho:  Afro-Native Migrations and the Cultural Geography of Paradise."  Toni Morrison Society panel at American Literature Association  (Baltimore, May 1999).

"Seven Syllabi:  Strategies for and Pitfalls of Designing Multiethnic American Literature Surveys."  With E. Shelley Reid.  MELUS (Vanderbilt University, March 1999).

"Maps and Migrations in Almanac of the Dead."  American Literature Association (San Diego, May 1998).

"Retaking Geronimo:  Photography as Resistance in Almanac of the Dead." Western Literature Association (Albuquerque, October 1997).

"States of Being in the Dark."  Literatures of the Great Plains Conference (University of Nebraska, April 1997).

"'I'll Nap in Beauty':  Navajo Aesthetics, Southwestern Modernism, and Krazy Kat."  Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association  (San Antonio, March 1997).

"Instructions from the Backbone of the World:  Teaching Fools Crow Across Regions, Cultures, and Other Boundaries."  Division on American Indian Literatures panel on "Teaching Native American Literature to Various Audiences."  Modern Language Association (Washington, December 1996). 

"'He Pushed His Mind Through and Pulled His Body After':  Permeable Boundaries in James Welch's Fools Crow."  South Central Modern Language Association.  Panel on "Native Americans:  Negotiating the Borders."  (San Antonio, November 1996).

"States of Being in the Dark."  First Annual Native American Studies Symposium. (Southeastern Oklahoma State University, November 1996).

"'He Pushed His Mind Through and Pulled His Body After':  Permeable Boundaries in James Welch's Fools Crow."   Studies in American Indian Literatures panel. American Literature Association (San Diego, May 1996).

"'The Strange and True Story of My Life with Billy the Kid':  Scott Momaday's Wild, Wild West."  Native American Studies panel.  Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association  (Tulsa, February 1996).

"Hoop Dreams:  Basketball and Cultural Recovery in the Fiction of Sherman Alexie." American Indian Literary Festival.  (East Texas State University, November 1995).

"Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, Harriet Jacobs, and the Remaking of National Identity."  MELUS panel on "Postcolonialism and American Ethnicity:  Comparative Contexts."  Modern Language Association (San Diego, December 1994).

"Like Being Me:  Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, Harriet Jacobs, and the Remaking of National Identity."  South Atlantic Modern Language Association (Baltimore, November 1994).

"'Hell is full of just such Christians as you are':  Authority and Performance in Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Life Among the Piutes."  Panel on "Performativity and Native American Identity."  Northeast Modern Language Association (Pittsburgh, April 1994).

"Ectospasms, or The Trickster Inside Krazy Kat."  American Studies Association (Boston, November 1993).

"The Krazy Kat Inside:  Modernism and Cultural Exchange in the Urban Desert."  National Poetry Foundation Conference on "The First Postmodernists:  American Poetry of the 1930s."  (University of Maine, June 1993).

"Stephen Crane's Chromatic Deliria:  Ideology and Aesthetics in the Naturalist Desert."  11th Annual Graduate English Symposium.  (Rutgers University, April 1993).

"Manifest Dentistry:  Teaching Oral Narrative in McTeague and Old Man Coyote."  Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century American Literature Division.  Panel on "Teaching American Literature, 1880-1920:  New Ideas and Approaches."  Modern Language Association (New York, December 1992).

"'Young Goodman Brown' and the Social Construction of Bewilderment."  New Jersey College English Association Annual Spring Conference.  (Middlesex County College, April 1991).

"Hearts of Stone in Julius Caesar."  3rd Annual Graduate Student Symposium.  (Rutgers University, March 1985).


"Does Region Matter?" International Scholarly Meeting on "What's Next for Native American and Indigenous Studies?" (University of Oklahoma, May 2007)

"Generations:  A Roundtable Discussion on Teaching American Indian Literatures and American Indian Studies."  Arranged on behalf of the ASAIL Subcommittee on Pedagogy.  Native American Literature Symposium.  (Soaring Eagle Casino Resort, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, April 2006).

"Partial Access:  Non-Native Ways of Knowing, Not Knowing, and Teaching Native American Literatures and Cultures."  Panel organized for LeMoyne College Forum on "Sacred Stories of Native America" (Syracuse, October 2005).

"Flannery O'Connor and Cultural Confluences."  Panel organized for South Central Modern Language Association (New Orleans, October 2004).

"The Survival of Flannery O'Connor."  Panel organized for South Central Modern Language Association (Austin, November 2002).

"Teaching American Indian Literatures in Multicultural Contexts."  Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures panel, Modern Language Association (New Orleans, December 2001).

"Erasing Genres in American Indian Literatures."  Division on American Indian Literatures panel, Modern Language Association (Washington, DC, December 1999).

Special Session Organizer, "American Criminal Narratives:  New Approaches and Intersections."  South Central Modern Language Association (Memphis, October 1999).

"Surveying the Multi-Ethnic:  New Pedagogical Approaches."  Co-Organizer with E. Shelley Reid.  MELUS (Vanderbilt University, March 1999).

Special Session Co-Organizer, "Teaching American Literature Multi-Ethnically."  With E. Shelley Reid.  South Central Modern Language Association (New Orleans, November 1998).

"Teaching Native American Literatures:  New Approaches and Connections."  Northeast Modern Language Association (Boston, April 1995).


Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures
Modern Language Association
American Literature Section of Modern Language Association
American Studies Association
Southern American Studies Association
Society for the Study of Southern Literature
Society of Early Americanists




Last Updated March 2006.