Office: Horizon Hall 4163 Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:30 – 2:45 Email dtaciuch |
GMU Common Course Policies
The following policies are common to all GMU courses:
Information about these policies can be found at the GMU Common Course Policies page.
Technology Policy: This is an hybrid course. Students are required to have regular, reliable access to a computer with an updated operating system (recommended: Windows 11 or Mac OSX 10.13 or higher) and a stable broadband connection with a consistent 1.5 Mbps download speed or higher.
For class meetings, you should bring a laptop computer or tablet, as we will do some research and writing in class most weeks. Accessing course materials on a cell phone is not optimal, but is acceptable if no other device is available. Please refrain from off-task uses of mobile devices.
All course materials will be available via BlackBoard. Major assignments must be uploaded as file attachments (pdf, doc, docx, odf are all acceptable formats).
Class Participation / Engagement: For our weekly class meetings, I expect everyone to attend unless they are ill or have an excused absence due to medical, military, or other program activities (sports, forensics, etc). In class exercises and assignments are part of the grade in this course. You may miss up to two classes with no excuses (but you are responsible for the material posted on BlackBoard). If you are ill, you are automatically excused from class--I do not need a doctor's note unless the absence is extended (more than a week).
Major Assignment Grading: In grading the major assignments, I use this Grading Rubric
The Minor Assignments (Low Stakes assignments) will be graded at the end of the course, not individually. If you complete the assignments and peer reviews by the dates specified, you will receive full credit for these assignments.
I calculate final grades by converting the letter grades to a 100 point scale using the following values:
A+ 97.5 – 100 | A 92.5 – 97.4 | A- 90 – 92.4 |
B+ 87.5 – 89.9 | B 82.5 – 87.4 | B- 80 – 82.4 |
C+ 77.5 – 79.9 | C 70 – 77.4 | |
D 60 – 69.9 | F 0 – 59.9 |
Completion Policy: Students must earn a C (70%) or higher to fulfill the ENGH 302 Mason Core requirement.
There is a limit of three graded attempts for this course. A W does not count as a graded attempt. Please see AP 1.3.4 in the University Catalog and consult with your academic advisor if you have any questions. If you need to take the course after a third attempt, you must complete the Course Repeat Exception Request process.
Midterm Grades: You will receive a midterm grade based on the work of the first half of the semester, which you can view in PatriotWeb. The midterm grades' purpose is to help you understand how well you are doing so that you can make any adjustments necessary. It is not meant to predict your final grade, as the work in the second half of the semester may be weighted more heavily
Late Assignments: BlackBoard sets "end of day" as 11:59 pm when marking an assignment as late. But I am not waiting at my computer at midnight to start grading. If an assignment comes in after midnight, I do not consider it late. I don't consider an assignment late until the day after the due date.
I am flexible with deadline extensions on most assignments. Many of the assignments are connected, however, so they do need to be completed in order. If you need an extension of a few days, just let me know. Unless you make prior arrangements with me, however, late assignments will be subject to a 10% grade reduction per week.
Revisions: The essays may be revised for a higher grade, but please ask me for comments before you attempt a revision.
All revisions must be submitted within 2 weeks of receiving a grade on the assignment. Assignments may be revised twice, as long as each revision is submitted within two weeks of receiving a grade. However, no revisions or late assignments will be accepted after Nov 26.
Plagiarism: It is expected that students adhere to the George Mason University Academic Standards as it relates to integrity regarding coursework and grades. More information about Mason’s Academic Standards, including discussion of Honesty, Acknowledgment, and Uniqueness of Work, can be found on the Academic Standards page and Mason’s Common Course Policies Page.
Two fundamental principles to follow at all times are:
Mason’s Composition Program recognizes that appropriately attributing sources is a learning process. This class will include direct instruction in source integration, documentation, and citation strategies in a range of rhetorical situations, and follows the CWPA Best Practices for Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism. Instructors in the Composition Program support the Mason’s Academic Standards, which requires them to report suspected instances of deliberate plagiarism to the Academic Standards Committee. All judgments about plagiarism are made after careful review by the committee.
Students should also be careful to avoid self-plagiarism, the practice of re-using their own academic work in two courses or projects. If you wish to use your research or writing from another course or project in this section of 302, please speak to me first. The instructor needs to approve every instance in which previous research and portions of previous writing might be used in two different courses. Failure to consult with the instructor might result in a failing grade for the assignment and/or a referral to the Academic Standards Office.
I serve on the Academic Standards committee, so if you have any questions about plagiarism (in this class or any other), you can contact me via email.
Generative-AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Microsoft CoPilot, should not be used in this course unless specified by the assignment. Use of such tools presents ethical and academic dishonesty issues, especially if the work is presented as your own. While such tools may be used to generate ideas, brainstorm, or outline larger works, the language in work you submit in this course should always be your own. Submitted work that is not your own is an Academic Standards violation ("submitting academic work that was created, in whole or part, using unauthorized material").
I will not use AI-detection software in this course, as it is unreliable and likely makes the generative AI software even less detectable, as the submitted works become part of the generative AI corpus. If you do use generative AI software, you will be responsible for any incorrect, biased, or unethical information that is submitted.
Finally, you must be transparent with your use even on assignments in which you are permitted to use Generative AI.
Gender Identity and Pronoun Use: If you wish, please share your name and gender pronouns with me and how best to address you in class and via email. Chosen pronouns (as selected in PatriotWeb) will display wherever a user profile displays in Blackboard courses, such as in discussion boards.
GMU Nondiscrimination Policy: George Mason University is committed to providing an educational and work environment free from any discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, pregnancy status, or genetic information. George Mason University shall adhere to all applicable state and federal equal opportunity/affirmative action statutes and regulations.
UndocuMason: Students of all immigration statuses are welcomed and valued in this classroom, including undocumented students, students from mixed-status families, and students with Temporary Protected Status. As an educator, I aim to create a learning environment that respects and affirms the diversity of students’ experiences and perspectives. If your status is impacting your success in the course, please come see me to discuss things I can do to accommodate you (assignments, attendance, etc.). I pledge to keep your status confidential unless required by judicial warrant. You can also reach out to UndocuMason, our local chapter of UndocuMason.They have compiled a lot of resources for undocumented students that can be helpful as you navigate your academic career.
Language Equity Policy: Many of you speak multiple languages. I’m aware of the strengths of multilingual writers and the challenges faced by writers whose language is not always valued in academia or the workplace. I encourage you to use your authentic language and style as rhetorically appropriate. This means that I will not penalize students for grammar/word choice errors. Because this class doesn't include grammar instruction, I also won’t generally comment on grammar or word choice errors unless they interfere with understanding the text. See the GMU Composition Program Position Statement on Linguistic Diversity and Inclusion
Inclement Weather/Cancellation Policy: Since this is a hybrid section, class cancellations are usually not much of an issue. If classes are canceled, we will make up the work online. If you cannot come to a class session due to inclement weather, let me know (this would be an excused absence)
Help with the Course: Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about assignments, grades or policies. I can be reached via email, during office hours, and after class sessions.
If you are having trouble with an assignment, please let me know. We can schedule a conference during or outside of office hours. Please do not wait until the last minute to reach out. Don't procrastinate, but if you do, don't panic. If you need an extension on an assignment, let me know as soon as you can. You should also be aware of the various resources available for writing and research help
The GMU Writing Center: Take advantage of the Writing Center space and peer consultants as you work on written assignments in this course. You can book a free 45-minute appointment to meet with a consultant in person or on Zoom or to submit a draft for written feedback. Consultants will work with you on any phase of a writing project. They can help you develop your ideas, provide feedback on a draft, answer your questions, and show you strategies for brainstorming, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing. Schedule your appointment to allow plenty of time for revising your paper afterwards. To make an appointment, go to, register with the center, and make an appointment using the online scheduler. Send questions to
GMU Library: Librarians are available to help with your research online and in-person. The library’s website offers tutorials, research resources, and databases that we’ll use throughout the semester.
CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services): CAPS offers free counseling and academic workshops and a 24/7 student crisis line: (703) 993-2380. Services are provided by professional counseling and clinical psychologists, social workers, and counselors. CAPS’ individual and group counseling, workshops and outreach programs are designed to enhance students’ personal experience and academic performance.
SSAC (Student Support and Advocacy Center): SSAC offers educational programming, one-on-one consultations, and resources in the areas of interpersonal violence, personal wellness, and alcohol and drug use. SSAC manages the Stay Mason Support Fund, which is designed to provide temporary, short-term assistance to students experiencing financial hardship. The fund is available to all students, regardless of immigration status.
Learning Services, located in SUB I, Suite 3600, provides a variety of free, experience-based learning opportunities for the Mason Community through one-on-one academic coaching, academic success workshops, and online resources.