Dr Dean Taciuch
George Mason University
Fall 2023

English 302
Sections N05 & N08

Office: Horizon Hall 4163
Office Hours:
Email dtaciuch

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Course Policies

Course Syllabus

Course Schedule

Week 1 (Aug 21– 27)

Lesson 1 (online): Introduction to the course
Review the course syllabus and course schedule
Watch Inform Your Thinking: Episode 1 - Research is a Conversation

Lesson 2 (in class) Finding conversations in your field – Academic and professional discourse communities

Post in Library Subject Guide Discussion by Friday Aug 25

Week 2 (Aug 25 – Sept 3)

Lesson 3: The Rhetorical Situation
Read Differentiating Among Popular, Scholarly, Trade Sources and Grey Literature
Read Understanding the Rhetorical Situation (BlackBoard)

Lesson 4: Choosing topics of interest
Read Narrowing a Topic (to a Research Question)
Read How to Write a Research Question

Post in Preliminary Research Questions discussion by Friday Sept 1

WEEK 3 (Sept 5 – 10)
Labor Day, Monday Sept 4 (University Closed)

Lesson 5: Evaluating sources
Watch: Check Yourself with Lateral Reading
Read /Watch Evaluating Information: SIFT (The Four Moves)

Lesson 6: Evaluating Sources

Small group work: Bring in one source you've found so far for evaluation
Post in Non-Academic Source Evaluation journal by Friday Sept 8

WEEK 4 (Sept 11– 17)

Lesson 7: Using keywords and search terms

Watch Generating Keywords
Post in Keywords discussion by Wednesday Sept 13

Lesson 8: Finding scholarly, peer reviewed sources

Read instructions for Research Log 2: Scholarly Sources
Read instructions for the Literature Review
Read Using Google Scholar @ Mason
Watch Doing an Advanced Mason Search and Managing Sources with Zotero

Research Log 1 and Reflection Due Friday Sept 15

WEEK 5 (Sept 18 – 24)

Lesson 9: Academic Sources

Read Evaluating (Academic) Sources
Read Discipline-Specific Citation Styles and APA Style Guide QuickGuide

Lesson 10: Advanced citation mining strategies

Read Find Sources Fast: Citation Mining

Complete Academic Source Evaluation (journal) by Friday Sept 22

WEEK 6 (Sept 25 – Oct 1)

Lesson 11: Incorporating Sources

Read these guides from the GMU Writing Center

Lesson 12: Synthesis

Watch Synthesis Matrix Tutorial

Read Instructions for Research Log 3

Research Log 2 and Reflection Due by Friday Sept 29

WEEK 7 (Oct 2 –8)

Lesson 13: Paraphrase Practice
Read Avoiding Plagiarism
Complete Paraphrase journal by Wednesday Oct 4

Lesson 14: Small group conferences in class focused on Research Log 3

WEEK 8 (Oct 10 – 15)

Fall Break: Monday classes/labs meet Tuesday. Tuesday classes do not meet this week.

Lesson 15: Literature Reviews

Reread instructions for the Literature Review

Lesson 16: Literature Review examples

Explore GMU Libraries InfoGuide: Literature Reviews (Annual Reviews)

Research Log 3 and Reflection due Friday Oct 13

WEEK 9 (Oct 17 – 23)

Lesson 17: Complete Literature Review Outline (journal) by Wednesday October 18

Lesson 18: Review Citation styles
Explore Purdue Research and Citation Guides
Post in Citation Questions discussion by Friday Oct 20

WEEK 10 (Oct 23 –29)

Lesson 19: Peer Review Process

Providing Feedback to Writers

Lesson 20: Draft of Literature review for in class peer review Thursday Oct 26

WEEK 11 (Oct 30 – Nov 5)

Lesson 21: Revising and Editing


Lesson 22: Revising and Editing
Read Reducing Informality in Academic Writing

Literature Review and Reflection due Friday Nov 3

WEEK 12 (Nov 5 – 12)

Lesson 23: Issue, Audience and Genre Analysis

Read Issue, Audience and Genre Analysis instructions (BlackBoard)

Lesson 24: Advocacy Letter samples

Stakeholder discussion on BlackBoard by Friday November 10

WEEK 13 (Nov 13 –19)

Lesson 25: Presenting an Argument

Lesson 26: Issue, Audience and Genre Analysis due Friday Nov 17

WEEK 14 (Nov 20 – 22)

Thanksgiving Recess Nov 23 – 27
Lesson 27: Review

All revisions due by November 23 (see revision policy on syllabus)

Week 15 (Nov 27 – Dec 2)

Lesson 28: Advocacy Letter draft due Wednesday Nov 29

Lesson 28: Avocacy Letter Peer Reviews in class Thursday
Course evaluations

Advocacy letter due
Sunday December 3

This course schedule was developed by the George Mason Composition Program, and it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.)