Honors 353: 006 & 008
George Mason University
Spring 2012
Peer Review
Please print these questions and bring them to class. In class, you will
each exchange a printed copy of your draft with another student. Read the
draft, then respond to the following questions:
- How much background information is given? Is the context clear? Why is
this research being done (aside from it being an assignment, of course)?
- What is the thesis or main point of the paper? If the thesis is not stated
in the Introduction, is there a research question?
Body (Literature Review)
- Locate and list the topic sentences (or main ideas) of each paragraph.
How are the topics organized? Could they be re-arranged?
- Identify any points which rely on only one source, or an ambiguously cited
source, for support.
Discussion and Conclusion
- Identify the thesis in the conclusion.
Does it match the thesis in the
Introduction (or answer the research question)?
- How is the conclusion derived from or supported by the sources?
Write your responses on a sheet of paper, and give it and the draft back to
the author. I will collect peer reviews and drafts when I collect the final

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