English 410:B01
George Mason University

Summer 2009


Copyright Exercise

This assignment is based on Exercise 3 from Chapter 7 of our textbook (p 128-129).

Using the sites listed below, develop a set of guidelines on how to determine if an image or other digital file requires permission to reproduce (for a company brochure or a website, for example). The guidelines should also describe how to use images and other files found online legally and ethically.






The guidelines should be about 3 pages, doublespaced.

The report should be a single set of guidelines, not guidelines for each site. You'll need to synthesize information from the sources above. Since I know the sources you're using, citations can be informal: "According to the US Copyright Office," or "The licensing statement from Getty Images explains that . . ."



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Engl 410 syllabus

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