English 410: 001 & 003
George Mason University

Fall 2008



As a means of practicing writing in the digital realm (and contributing to a resource many students, and some faculty, use as a convenient reference), each student will write and post one article to Wikipedia.

First, read the Wikipedia Getting Started page.

Then create an account (Sign In/Create Account link).

Once you've familiarized yourself with the Wikipedia community, you'll need to find a "stub," an incomplete article on the Wikipedia site.

  1. Go to the Main page of Wikipedia
  2. Click on the "Help" link in the Navigation sidebar
  3. Choose "Resources and Lists"
  4. Choose "List of Stub Types"

You should end on this page: Stub Types

Choose a category which interests you, one to which you can contribute some new information. Then choose the stub you will complete.

Read the Editing Wikipedia page.

Begin editing the stub.

Preview, then Save your changes to the site.

Turn in a copy of your article to me for credit and a grade. All Wikipedia articles are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. You will not get a credit on Wikipedia; your contribution will be evident on the history page, and then only with your username. Be aware that any other Wikipedia user can (and probably will) edit your page.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Engl 410 syllabus

Section 001 Sched
Section 003 Sched